You're starving to death. What is the one food you STILL will not eat?

Bippy, you may be right, but I honestly cannot imagine under ANY situation where I may voluntarily put an egg in my mouth.

Ivylass, I’m another egg-hater. There aren’t many of us; you’re only the third one I’ve encountered in my life. But like you, if all that separated me from buying the farm were farm-fresh eggs, then I’d have to buy the farm.

It’s a little unfair, in a way. When getting breakfast at a restaurant, there’s always sems to be a special: two eggs, bacon or ham or sausage, home fries, toast, coffee and juice for, say, $4.95. Sometimes, you can’t order the special without eggs, so if you order everything else separately, you end up paying $7 or so.

But we found the solution. Nowadays, if my wife and I are out for breakfast, I’ll just order the special. When they ask, “How do you want your eggs?” I just answer with “On my wife’s plate.” So far, it’s worked.

OK, I’m going to regret posting this I just know it.

I remember reading about refugies (I think from the Rawanda) who were stuck and starving in camps. Some of the children were picking through the refuse with little plastic bags. They were gathering undigested corn kernels and other food items. Apparently they were cleaning them for cooking and eating.

I hope I am never in a situation where anything this foul seems like a good idea.

Just about anything from Sonic Drive-In. Proud home of the Sodium Patty and Lard Nuggets. (They do have good banana shakes, however)

And guess whats right down the street from where I work?

She told me she loved me like a brother. She was from Arkansas, hence the Joy!

pervert: Native Americans used to call that “second harvest.” Wonderful little euphemism, that. Nowadays I see commercials for a non-profit hunger relief organization called Second Harvest.

I wonder if they know…

As to the OP:

Chitlins and Scrapple.

Nope. Not gonna. I’d eat dirt, first.

I have to say I agree with Girlbysea on the Liver one

Icky substance

Yeah, i couldn’t eat any organ of an animal - heart, liver, etc. Bleugh. No way.

Onions. So gross. I can not put in words my loathing and hatred for those vile things. I can honestly say that I could not eat them if I was starving. And if I did manage to get one near my mouth, I’d just throw up any remaining stomach contents I had.

Make that four, but I’d eat them if I were starving. Heck, I’ve even choked them down to be polite to my hosts on occasion.

But I would have to really be starving to eat yogurt, unless it was part of a sauce and very thoroughly cooked so as to kill all the bacteria. Ewww…

astro: Glad to meet another olive loather and avoider. Olives are here on earth to be made into that beautiful, delicious, unctuous, chartreuse-colored food-of-the-gods that it rightfully is, viz. EVOO. When I order food in a restaurant, I always inquire if the dish contains these satanic vegetables. It’s amazing where they’ll show up, one can never be too careful. Do all you can to spread the word.

You people have never known hunger. Bippy is correct.

I have known hunger once. It was an awful day, I can tell you. Thankfully I did not have to rummage through dumpsters, but I did consume some spoiled foods. It was bad.

I have not been a picky eater since that day. I remember once being served jellyfish at a Vietnamese wedding, which I choked down before I knew what it was. (It has the texture of petrified gristle.)

But I would have dined on jellyfish with delight the third day without food. (The one where I knew hunger.) The first two I had some crackers and sliced cheese, and waking up after having finished them was starkly terrifying.

Excuse me while I go get a cookie.

My brother would be a fourth, if he posted here. He despises eggs (though he can handle them in a cake or something, because they’re not “eggish”).
For me, it would be coconut, in any way shape or form. I hate the stuff. I hate the way it smells, the way it looks…everything about it.

Cooked beets and canned spinach. Can’t get past the smell.

Cherries, because they’d cause me to puke back up anything left in my stomach, leaving me worse off than before.

Anchovies. The very idea of them makes my skin crinkle. (urrrgh)
There’s no way I could live if that was the only thing left to eat.

Bananas, they’re so slimy and, well, banana-y. Just the thought of putting one in my mouth makes me nauseous.

Any shrimp, lobster or seafood.

Sometimes I really wish I liked stuff like that, but everytime I’ve tried them I’ve spit them out.

Broccoli. About the only thing GW Sr. and I ever agreed upon.

I wouldn’t see much point in eating celery, but, truth be told, I’d probably eat anythign in sight. Anything that could only move slower than I could.

Aha! I NOW see why people thought of eating snails, I think.

Peas. Plain and simple.
I do not want to have the sensation of pimples popping in my mouth. Yech.