YouTube's Comedy Week- anything worthwhile?

So, YouTube is doing a “Comedy Week” promotion this week.
Apparently, it was organized to have lots of comedians prepare exclusive videos that would debut this week. Honestly, I only knew about it because I use Hulu and there were ads for it on Hulu. Other than that, I wouldn’t have known so I’m not sure how smart they’ve been about promoting it.

I’ve seen very little shared via social media- and we’re already three days into it.

I’ve found a few moderately funny videos from the Comedy Week feature page linked above. The only two videos that have really stood out so far are:

Sarah Silverman’s “Perfect Night”
Key of Awesome’s “Start a Mumford Band!” (this one’s particularly good)

The real comedy is in HowToBasic.

Some of his great videos:

How To Make Cookies
How To make Banana Bread
How To Make a Milkshake
How To Wash Your Hair