Yeah, I know I don’t post much but I read faithfully like a good lil lurker. I don’t know how to do that cool quote thing, and most of the time my wit comes during a sound sleep when I awaken with the clever retort…about three days to late. But I digress.
So tonight I went scoping ya’ll out. I discovered the people pages. I finally was able to put a face with the name of some of my favorite posters. (Incidentally, 95% of my favorite posters are male. Go figger)
Anyway, I was clicking away, admiring the gobs of the masses when I saw one of my favorite posters listed…I clicked on his name, and what appeared on my screen turned this nice Christian law-abiding hetero into a leacherous creamsicle. I know all about Esprix but I did not know how beautiful he is. I mean, AROOOOO-gah!
After a few moments of pacing and cursing my female chromosome, I realized that the new Mr Lurker is yummy too. But in the mind’s art gallery beauty boy will be sucking his thumb on many a dark night.
I am going to bed now as I am totally out of control.