Zombimobile! Or DeLorean Rides Again!

DeLoreans to be built once more.

I think I’ll pass.

Still, a classic design after 30 years. I’ll give it that much. Sleek and paractical. Name a speedster today that doesn’t have a bit of Delorean.

They featured the DeLorean Motor Company of Texas on an episode of Modern Marvels. You can get a remanufactured DeLorean for a base price of $42,500 with all kinds of upgrades available, including a 197 hp engine, XM Radio and an iPod interface. He’s got a nice little business going.

But does it have a Flux Capacitor, that’s the real question… :wink:

I want one.

There’s a (middle-aged, Members-only-jacket-wearin’) guy around here who drives a DeLorean. It reminds me of a refrigerator. I can’t imagine the fuel economy is very good, eh?

Type in “Flux Capacitor” and “Mr. Fusion” on the Parts Search window, then look at the parts numbers carefully… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, that is fabulous. :smiley:


Heh, amusing, nice to see they have a sense of humor about it :slight_smile:

OK, now that is style!

My Next door neighbor has one, but it only sits in their garage under a cover (Its very distinctive shape is how I know what it is). Never heard it run or seen it drive anywhere.

And they couldn’t have brought production back to Belfast could they :frowning:

Are these to be new and improved cars? I read that the dies etc were taken from Dunmurry and used by a marine firm as material for a jetty or some such thing.