Zooey or Emily Redux?

Old thread: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=386273&highlight=zooey

And if you need to ask to whom we refer, you’re in the wrong thread.

I have changed my mind. Emily has grown too thin. The ad for cotton that Zooey did shows that Zooey wins both the “geek cute” and the “classically beautiful” titles.

Zooey, always Zooey.

Emily. I hate Zooey’s acting with a passion and that taints any other reactions to her.

Emily. Zooey is a wooden dummy with only two expressions: Huh? and Wha? Major turn off.

Zooey. Beautiful looks and a great voice.

How come this isn’t a poll? Emily by far…

Zooey. I’m in agreement with the OP, plus I really like Zooey’s voice.

Zooey. Much more interesting as an actress, and wins hands down as a singer.

Because when I started here we couldn’t do no polls, fool! :wink: Polls will be the downfall of this forum, you wait and see.

Well, that and I’m [del]too lazy to learn how to create a poll[/del] interested in the reasons behind your answers.

I am still torn between the two, and I would love to have a chance to choose.

Zoey is prettier, but can’t act. Or sing. God, her singing voice is grating. (apparently I’m the only one so far in the thread who hates She and Him) Being as I don’t fancy girls anyway so I’m not as swayed by Zooey’s looks, I like Emily much better.

I did not know they were sisters! The other night I was thinking that Emily and Zooey should lez out with each other because they looked alike.

I like my idea even more now.

Anywho, Zooey has the sexy voice. Not the greatest actress, but I don’t watch her for her acting ability.

That seems to a major dividing line between those that choose Emily over Zooey so far.

That was funny, Antinor01. :slight_smile:

Having said that, I’m 100% straight, and I think that both ladies are absolutely gorgeous, albeit in different ways.

I can haz samwich?

Wait, so you noticed that two famous women both named “Deschanel” looked alike, and it didn’t occur to you that they were sisters?


I had never heard of Emily Deshanel before. I just knew her as “the chick from Bones.”

Zooey, but that was before she sold out.

Oh, who am I kidding. I can’t stay mad at you, Zooey.

Maybe this is weird, but I’ve known they were sisters but didn’t think they particularly looked alike.

Their mother is an actress, too. She was in The Right Stuff and 2010; had a recurring role on Twin Peaks and just did an episode of House within the past year.

Their dad has been nominated for an Academy Award five times as a cinematographer. Talented family, that one.

This is worse than Sophie’s choice! Seriously though, I’ve only seen Emily in Bones whereas I’ve seen Zooey in multiple movies, interviews, and I have all her songs - so much more exposure there. Zooey seems a bit more versatile, “cool” (there’s at least two parody songs about her already), and there’s something magical about her, plus she can sing. But she seems a little airheaded, and maybe flaky. She’s more cute and pretty. Emily is a more mature type of beauty, more graceful. She seems more intelligent, but that could just be her character. She wasn’t a bad singer in that one episode.

I think Zooey would be a fun fling, but Emily would be the one for the real relationship.

Now we really need to get them together. I hear they are trying to get Zooey to appear as Emily’s cousin, but it’s hard with her bsuy schedule.

Emily. She has much nicer… I don’t know… bone structure or something. More attractive features, anyway. Zooey doesn’t have much to offer besides giant eyes.

I’ve nothing against Zooey’s singing voice but don’t have any interest in her as an actress. But I’m voting based on looks anyway.