My boyfriend is now officially behaving like an ass

Last night was the first time I’ve seen him in two weeks. We were supposed to get together a week ago Friday, but he injured himself (got accidentally hit in the face with a crowbar) and cancelled. OK, fine, completely understandable. Then Tuesday he was supposed to come over, then didn’t because he decided at the last minute to go out to dinner with his friend (and soon-to-be-employer) for three hours. At least he called ahead of time to say he’d be “late” and called afterwards to say he wasn’t coming at all. We make plans to get together Wednesday. Each of us has a regular Wednesday night thing with friends so the plan is he’ll call me at 10 at my thing and I’ll head home to meet him. By the time 10:30 rolls around and he hasn’t called, I’m getting pissed so I call him. Turns out he’s on his way home, without calling me. And why didn’t he call me? He didn’t know for sure if he could get through on my cell. Which of course means it makes perfect sense to not even try. So after being stood up three times in a single week I’m thinking that he’d damn well better not skip out on the dinner he promised me on Friday, and he’d better be prepared to take me to a movie or something after and he’d better be attentive as hell and he’d better (not to be too crude) be amazing in the rack that night.

Friday night comes and it’s getting later and later and I’m getting madder and madder. Finally around 7 he calls. He just woke up from a nap. Why is he so tired? Because instead of maybe resting because he knew he was going out and would probably be out fairly late, he decides to tire himself out mowing his fucking lawn. Because, you know, good lawn grooming is so much more important than making it up to the guy you’ve let down three times in a week. He says he’ll be here at 7:30. By 8:00 when he finally shows up it’s pretty much too late to get dinner and a movie so I don’t even mention the idea of a movie. We seem to have an OK time at dinner, then back to my place. We’re making out, have moved to the bedroom when suddenly he decides he “doesn’t feel well” and needs to leave. I ask, “not feeling well” meaning that you feel sick or “not feeling well” meaning you’re upset and want to leave. A little of both, and he’ll call me tomorrow.

What the fuck do you have to be upset about?!? Has anyone done anything for you to be pissed off, like say repeatedly leaving you high and dry including once without a fucking phone call? Who’s treating whom like crap here?

Now it’s Saturday and no phone call. I had decided I wasn’t going to call him but then decided that was maybe a little childish, so I called around 2. He wasn’t home so I left a message, saying I wasn’t sure what was going on and I hope we can talk today, that I was about a half hour from going in to see a movie but he could leave a message or try me later at home. Seeing as how it’s almost 11:00 I have this funny feeling he’s blown me off yet again and is not going to call.

Anyway, now I’m completely pissed off and am starting to wonder whether I even want to hear from him again, if this is what I have to look forward to. Big jerk.


I hate to say it, but I think he’s blowing you off.

I’m really sorry.

You’re being screwed, and not in a good way.

How do you get accidentally hit in the face with a crowbar?

He was working on his friend and soon to be boss’s house doing something and another friend slipped and whacked him.

Fuck it, I’m going drinking.

I once watched a guy whack himself in the face with a crowbar.

Have fun with the drinking, Otto.

Otto, get someone to kiss you quick, 'cause as Zenster said, you’re getting screwed.

It’s a crying shame that Boyfriend Otto does not have enough of a spine to tell you what’s up to your face (although when he does, I’m afraid it’ll be of the “it’s not you, it’s me” variety).

I hope you had a nice time drinking and found some hot fella that is more deserving of your time and thought.

Sorry this is happening to you. Hope it works out to your satisfaction.

I’m home.

I went out to the neighborhood watering hole and after my first round who do I see but my BF. I send a drink his way across the bar and he makes his way over. Thanks me for the drink and asks me what I did today. “I went to the gym. Saw The Matrix Reloaded. Went shopping. Oh, and I started a thread on what a jerk you’ve been lately. The concensus of opinion is that you’re dumping me. Are you?”

Long silence. Which of course means the answer is yes.

“The problem is,” he says, “that you’ve developed feelings for me that i can’t return.”

Are you fucking kidding me? This from the man who told me he loved me three days into the relationship.

I finished my drink and walked out. I have just finished tearing up all of the pictures I have of him except for the two at my office, which will go into the shredder Tuesday. A melodramatic gesture, but still an effective one. Next I need to delete his numbers out of my cell phone and remove his pictures from my Yahoo! briefcase.

Fucker. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

And for the record, I dumped him first.

I’m sorry, Otto.

I don’t have anything more than the usual bullshit platitudes to offer as solace. (“You’re better off without him,” “You’ll find someone else,” etc.)

But you are better off without him and you will find someone else. hang in there.

(I’m betting there’s about a 50/50 chance he’ll call you again in a couple of weeks, probably after getting dumped by someone else, and he’ll say that he made a mistake, that he wants another chance, etc. Don’t take him back).

Otto. Better you know than not.

That you had the balls to ask and confront him says a lot about you.

You deserve better.

Damn. What a fuck. Take care of yourself, ok?

What a fucking weasel!

Sending you good vibes and fond wishes, Otto.

But seriously, he couldn’t even tell you he was considering dumping you? Fucking asshat.

Hmm… simulpost x 3

No shit!

That’s tough luck, Otto.

Some men can be such pigs sometimes.

Smart of you. Please note I didn’t say “happy,” just ‘smart.’

Wow. I’d debate that, but it’s shit like that that makes me appologize for my sex. Damn, man… Strung along is no way to treat anyone. Good wishes to ya, and go get cathartic (sp?) on those pictures!

I said some! Sometimes!

Having been married and divorced twice, I know that some of them are. But I know not all men are pigs.

Feel better? :wink:

What a putz. I think that’s the most heinous lie a person can tell. Good for you for confronting him. I’m sure it sucks right now, but at least you’re not wasting any more time with the guy.

Man, that sucks. He was being evasive this week, and at least you know NOW instead of later!