What Images Can You Surmise From Other Dopers' Screen Names?

I’ll go first. Based solely on the name, I think Shodan is a warrior, or Shogun, with much integrity. Male, and a snappy dresser. He bothered to capitalize the name, so he cares about grammar. The one word, two syllable name also tells me that he is precise, to the point, but overall, brief.

Hmmmm. Next we have Guinastasia. Female. Also capitalized, but four syllables, so she is complicated. She obviously is witty enough to incorporate a little word play. Intelligent, yet delicate, like a porceline ballet dancer in a music box.

And, finally, xtisme. Not capitalized. Ooooo, that’s gonna hurt. Young, male, with unkempt hair. Glasses are optional. The “x” reminds me of Christmas, so he lives in a colder climate. The “tis me” says, “Here I am.” Humble and unassuming.

Chicago Faucet reminds me of a picture in OMNI magazine (IIRC) from several years back. It showed a great big faucet in an outdoor nature scene, and the caption read “cleanliness is next to godliness.”

And no fair picking on lack of capitalization! :smiley:

Well, I can sometimes tell if I’m going to have to ban someone shortly after s/he begins posting. For instance, I had a bad feeling about pimpdaddylongstroke, and I soon had ample justification to ban him. If he’d had some decent posts, I would have required him to change his name.

I don’t believe that I’ll go into detail about my impression of him, except that it wasn’t favorable. And I’d give long odds that he wasn’t more than 19.

Shirley Ujest is an anagram in ancient Swahulian that means " One who kills threads."

I imagine Guinastasia as a Guyanese female because I’m just not that good a reader.

SanguineSpider… the lonely goth in her tower.

Big Bad Voodoo Lou: hipster doofus.

I picture Earl Snake-Hips Tucker hanging out with Hunter Thompson in Vegas, wearing tinted glasses and smoking.

Michael Ellis likes squirrels. Maybe he is a squirrel?

Any guesses what Tentacle Monster looks like?

Actually I like not having any clue what people look like, there’s no way I’m looking at the ‘show yourself’ thread.

You’d be wrong about me.

I lurk quite a bit and picture the bulk of posters as late thirty-ish men.

I’m sure I’m wrong about you.

I often think Anal Scurvy needs to see a doctor. :smiley:

I tend to see posters as attractive 20-somethings until they post personal information that shatters that illusion. Well, except for those who I have met - I visualize them as they were the last time I saw them. Thankfully, I’ve never seen a Doper in a ratty bathrobe sitting on a tattered recliner watching Cops and swilling cheap beer. I couldn’t live with such a scruffy mental image.
Although that’s how I always see swampbear in my mind’s eye…

I always see Fairy Chat Mom as a glenda the good witch type, sitting in a glade with winged kittens and a computer :eek:

I picture these folk thusly:

Tanookie - brilliantly sweety, deep, mom.
Maureen - like my ‘Oh so loving motherly lawyer’ - wonderful woman!
Fairychatmom - a slightly shorter Darrel Hannah with wings…
Shirley Ujest - I picture as Shirley from Lavern and Shirley…
Philster - A stay at home Dad contractor buddy I know…
Mangetout - a 30 something arthur c clarke.
Toadspittle - birkenstocks and hawaiin shirt grad student…

I guess thats it for now…

Phlosphr always struck me as the Birkenstock wearing philosophy prof I had in university. However, Phlosphr, in my mind, glows.

danceswithcats–Not being familiar with many of this user’s posts, I for some reason surmised that the user would be a gangly, thin teenage girl. Having met HIM at several Dopefests, I now realize how wrong I was.

As for my username, I know that odieman once said it made him think of Ms. Piggy. If any others of you have that image, please rinse it from your brains.

I don’t wear birks in the winter I swear :wink:

That is so perfect, that I am ashamed that I didn’t think of it first.

I always figured CrankyAsAnOldMan probably isn’t cranky at al but in fact rather well reasoned and delightfully pleasant, much in the same way WeirdDave is probably much more normal than most people, at least brother-in-laws. Seriously, how wrong could **Ginger **be?

I always picture FairyChatMom sitting on the edge of the bed talking with her daughter and she’s always dressed in pink and is clutching a little wand with a star on top.

I picture JuanitaTech as yelling funny stuff from a convertible who’s front end is bouncing up and down.

I always picture Eve as flowing when she walks, in posession of the unique ability to never trip.

Chicago Faucet reminds me of my grandmother. We used to drive into the city from the 'burbs when I was a kid, and there was a big “Chicago Faucet” sign just off the tollway. Heh. She was short, stout, and kinda crabby. I’m sure Our Chicago Faucet is none of these things, but the memory pops up every time I read one of his/her posts.