Steven Spielberg's Lost child? Uncredited real inventor of "The Force" and "ET"?

I’m wondering about this guy:

I read some Usenet posts of his, and although he’s passed off as a troll on the groups, he seems to be way too intelligent or at least hyperlexic to not have some savvy. He claims to have invented many things we know from the movies, as seen in his biography. He also claims to be Spielberg’s Lost Child as dubious as that sounds… and for all or almost all of his inventions he has not been credited it seems!

Has anyone heard of this guy, Bubba Nicholson? I tried to do some Google searches but most of the results had to do with his “Trolling”.

Confirm or debunk please? Thanks. :slight_smile:

He looks to me to be an overblown self publicist. he has had three undistinguished papers published in odd journals over twenty years (most researchers would aim for 100 over that time). One of the journals has a very low standard of acceptance (medical hypotheses) and all three papers are very speculative.

I can’t determine any of his other claims, but if his papers are anything to go on they are not worth much.

Sounds like a crank to me, many of the words in his website (bis-phosphogluterate paradox for example) only come up with his biography on a google search…

He has way too many supposed credidations to hsi name (if his biography is true) to be a no-name. Many of his claims are so dubious you couldn’t verify it if you wanted- a true sign of a crank IMO. “I came up with the idea of the Hat, whip and bag on Indiana Jones.” Please.

Claims he makes that I would like to see cites on:

*As a young man, he invented the modern meaning of the word “inclusive”
*He also contributed the “port-doubler” to Zenith laptop computers
*and solved the organic chemistry problem that made laser sensitive paint practical for CD’s
*He crafted the speeches in “American Tail”, “Braveheart”, “Independence Day”, “Armageddon”, “Deep Impact”, “Good Will Hunting”, and many more.
*The fact that he is Steven Speilburgs “lost child”, don’t you think this would be in the news, sort of like Liv Tyler, expecially considering all his "accomplisments, and outright claims of linneage?
*He solved something called “the chemosensory transduction problem” and the “pheromone information density problem”
*he composed the saxophone cave solo and most of the unattributed poetry in “Dead Poets Society”
*Nicholson originated “The Force”, “The Training”, “The Jedi”, “Bring balance to the Force” “Vergence” and other concepts that wound up in StarWars. "I suggested the titles for “Star Wars” and “E.T. The Extra Terrestrial”
*he was the most senior aide to Bill Clinton

And these claims go on and on and on, all of which sound like utter BS to me.

Ahh, you can also read some of his claims on this forum:

Funny, funny stuff.

I don’t see how a guy with all these accomplishments and claims and projects he is working on is unknown, is not “allowed” to see his supposed father, and has time to troll on a usenet forum.

I attended St. Andrew’s School in Middletown Delaware, the shooting location for Dead Poets’ Society. My Latin teacher’s writing appears on the board behind the Latin teacher in the film, and my music teacher, Mr. Larry “Cool Breeze” Walker, composed the saxophone riff that was played in the cave. Although “composed” is a pretty loose word – my understanding was that he taught the actor to make several different notes with the sax (since he had never played before, and Larry is a master!) and the actor improvised something for the shoot.

So, whatever his other claims, he didn’t write that piece of music.

[doctor evil]
My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark.
[/doctor evil]

It’s just crazed babbling. For example:

"Strangely, he owned a leather jacket just like Indy’s in 1972 “the hat, the whip, and ‘the look’ were Bill Clinton’s contributions” says Nicholson. (There will be more about the Clinton’s below.) "

Forget about Bubba Nicholson. If Bill Clinton had inspired Indiana Jones, wouldn’t someone would have mentioned it by now? It’s not like Bill Clinton is publicity shy, after all.

Then he goes on to say: "Years later, Nicholson sketched or filled out the stories for “Forrest Gump”, “Galaxy Quest”, “The Big Fish”, “The Matrix”, “Cast Away”, “Enemy at the Gates”, “Wag the Dog”, “Crouching Tiger/HIDDEN DRAGON!”, “John Q.”, “Gladiator”, “A Beautiful Mind”, “The Green Mile” (“that creep messed up my ending” he says), “Shawshank Redemption”, “Catch Me If You Can”, “Identity”, “Bruce Almighty” and “Pirates of the Caribbean” among others. “Stevie Spielberg’s the lost child!” he declares. “Actually, everybody’s lost but me. Lord of the Rings has three endings because they asked me three times.”

In other words, he claims to have written the stories for movies written by a wide variety of well-known screenwriters, some of which are based on books. All this while living in Tampa Bay, unknown to the rest of the world (except, of course, Steven Spielberg and Bill Clinton).

I suspect the proof positive that he’s a wacko nutjob comes in his Good Will Hunting claim:

“Incidentally, the problem in the MIT hallway in GWH is: ‘what are the constitutional isomers of normal nonane?’ Of course, the actor’s answer is wrong, unless carbon has a valence of 5 now.”

Haven’t seen the movie, but isn’t Good Will Hunting about a mathematician, not a chemist?

There is one 100% true statement on his site, though: “Nicholson has an unbelievable resume.”

Thanks everyone for your help in this, I’m not good with all those big words so that REALLY helps clarify this.

On a related note, is Sam Sloan of for real? He rambles a lot too on some similar topics, some different but I can’t quite tell. :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

The photo on the Bridge 43 site is credited to The St. Petersburg Times. Checking their archive produces exactly one article about “Bubba” Nicholson. Quote:

        "In another time, Ross "Bubba" Nicholson might not be taken
         seriously.  He's a 48-year-old guy with no real job.  On the 
         Internet, he claims to have inspired the film E.T., and he writes
         scientific papers about the connection between pheremones 
         and crime."

The site is called “Bridge 43” because Nicholson has proposed that a new bridge be located at the site where he is standing in the photograph. That is all the article is about: some out-of-work guy made an interesting suggestion about where a new bridge should be placed.

In his biography Nicholson refers to “Fischer’s estrification”. A Google search finds zero entries for this term, although there is a real chemical process called “Fischer estrification”. Nicholson also states that there is yellow and blue blood in the human body.

I am unsure what Nicholson means by claiming to be Spielberg’s “lost child”. If he means he is actually Spielberg’s offspring, there is a problem. Spielberg was born on December 16, 1946. This means he was 8 years old when Nicholson was born.

It is not unusual for movie studios, book publishers, etc., to receive complaints from cranks who claim they are “really” responsible for a successful work with which they had no involvement. Cartoonist Mort Walker once received a letter from a man who claimed to have served in the army with him and who said he was sure that Walker would remember that he had given him the idea for Beetle Bailey. He had been ill for a while, but he was now ready to take over the comic strip. Among other problems, Walker had not served in the country where he said they met.

It is also not unheard of for schizophrenics and other unfortunates to claim that they are the child of someone to whom they bear no relation. Some years ago Johnny Carson published a book consisting of his odder fan mail. It included a polite letter from a man who said that the nice people at the hospital in which he was confined had explained to him that Carson was not his father, and so he would stop saying so.

To hazard a guess, Nicholson is a compulsive liar with delusions of grandeur. A medical professional could doubtless give a more precise diagnosis.

Such people are unfortunately common. In graduate school it fell to me to interview the personnel director of a local factory for a term paper. He spent a good deal of his time telling about how he knew who Deep Throat was. When I asked him how he knew, he merely said that it was “common knowledge” within the oil industry–a field in which he had never actually been employed. While living in Canada he had started a company which was going to revolutionize the plastics industry, using an extremely common mineral which he personally discovered. The business was shut down, however, when he refused a request for a bribe sent him in a signed letter by a cabinet minister. Although the Canadian Broadcasting Company and other news outlets came to a press conference he called and took photos of the letter, no reports were made because of fear of the Queen of England. He also showed me documents relating to his plans to start a privately funded space program and launch a manned rocket to Alpha Centauri.

I once worked with a man who, when sent to a training seminar, told classmates that he owned several hundred thousand acres of (nonexistent) undeveloped forest in St. Louis County, Missouri, where he staged war games with live ammunition. His son was being “secretly groomed” to become the Surgeon General, and he was dead certain that he was under surveillance by “black helicopters”.

The blackboard problem in Good Will Hunting is indeed about maths - specifically, graph theory - and has nothing to do with carbon.

The guy reads like a nut.

To hazard a guess, Sam Sloan is real. A real what is open to question.

Sloan mostly talks about the seperate “kidnappings” of his daughter and his 80-year-old mother. Speaking from experience as a family law attorney, it is not uncommon for disgruntled litigants to make extravagant claims of this sort. It is relatively unusual for one to claim that the FBI, Senator John Warner, Jerry Falwell, and the 9-11 terrorists are all in on it.

Although he talks constantly about his daughter being taken from him, Sloan seems to skip any explanation of how this happened or what reasons were given. (I say “seems” because I ran out of patience after reading the letter to President Clinton). Just to hazard a guess, I suspect somewhere along the line a court ruled that a man who claims that Falwell and Islamic terrorists are siding together and that his 80-year-old mother has been kidnapped is wired a little tight.

When I worked for an ISP, we kept getting calls from this guy who thought we were stealing his email. He made these ridiculous claims that the emails were from top Government agencies, because he had been a Spy during the Gulf War.

In fact, his emails were working fine, and they were all from a Gay Porn mailing list he had subscribed to.

Thanks everyone for the replies! I really appreciate it.