A living bra joke

No, this isn’t a joke about the “Living Bra”, this is about living a bra joke. You know that joke (it may have been started by Joan Rivers) when a woman says “I put my bra on backwards and it fit better!” Well, I put my bra on backwards today and I didn’t notice for 10 hours. :smack:

At least it didn’t actually fit better, I’m a C-Cup so it was a little tight. In my defense it was a sports bra and the material is very stretchy and the back is fuller than most bras. I was getting dressed early this morning and in a hurry to get to work. I put my bra around my waist and hooked the hooks, then apparently I forgot to turn it around so that the hooks were in the back. I thought it felt a little tighter than normal but I was in a big hurry. Several times during the day I thought it felt a little uncomfortable but I didn’t notice it was on backwards until I got home and took off my scrub top.

So anyone else ever do this or something similar?

Nope, but then I don’t wear a bra.

I’d sure love to tell someone that their bra was on backwards though!

I’d be more impressed if it was a regular bra… :wink:
I sense an Iceland Challenge coming on…

Uh…no, I’m afraid I haven’t. I mean…nope. Never.


It’s not so weird to wear a sports bra backwards all day. The back isn’t so different from the front. Now, if you wore an underwire backwards, something would be really wrong!

You had boobs on your back. :smiley:

Now, if you wore an underwire backwards, something would be really wrong!
I wonder if any women dare take that up as a challenge.There you go.I have laid down the gauntlet.Will any lady be brave/stupid(*delete as applicable) enough to do it.Impress us all!

I feel confident that I would have noticed if I had a regular or underwire bra on backwards. The backwards sports bra did seem to add some lift and cleavage.

I never even knew you were a girl, to be honest.

Who me? I’m sure I’ve mentioned it.

Didn’t the opening post of this thread give it away? :wally

Are you calling me a putz for not knowing she was a girl before I opened this thread?

:wally yourself. I don’t even feel like explaining it to you but **Wile E Coyote ** is indisputably a male.

So was Lassie. :wink:

With nothing else to go on but the username, I would have made the same guess (“Wile E Coyote” = male). Of course, I would have guessed a name like Bambi Hasenpfeffer to be female. But 'tis not the case.

And if a girl was wearing her bra backwards, I might notice. I might even enjoy. :wink:

And all day long, men kept ogling your scapulas.

I did the same thing when I was younger. While I was still developing, I had a regular non-underwire bra that I actually could wear either way. I also had a sports bra that was a wee bit fancy in the back, and had classmates tell me I was wearing it backwards when I wasn’t.

Do not taunt Happy Reversible Bra TM

I got some bra jokes.

The success of the “Wonder Bra” for under-endowed women, has encouraged the designers to come out with a bra for over-endowed women.

It’s called the “Sheep Dog Bra”… It rounds them up and points them in the right direction.

Wife: Give me some money. I want to buy a new bra.

Husband: Why? You have nothing to put in it!

Wife: You wear shorts!

A middle-aged guy says to his wife, “You should go bra-less.”

She says, “Do you think my breasts are still perky enough?”

He says, “No, but maybe it’d pull the wrinkles out of your face.”

A very flat-chested woman finally decided she needed a bra and set out to the mall in search of one in her size.
She entered an upscale department store and approached the saleslady in lingerie, “Do you have a size 28AAAA bra?”

The clerk haughtily replied in the negative, so she left the store and proceeded to another department store where she is rebuffed in much the same manner.

After a third try at another department store in the mall, she had become disgusted. Leaving the mall, she drove to K-Mart.

Marching up to the sales clerk, she unbuttoned and threw open her blouse, yelling, “Do you have anything for this?”

The lady looked closely at her and replied, “Have you tried Clearasil?”

I dont’ wear bras, because I’m a man, but I have worn my boxers backwards a few times.

How do you catch a living bra?

–In a boobie trap…

…and the nice part is you can stare all day and never get caught :cool: