No, I Am *NOT* Getting Sick!

No way, no how. No happening.

That sneeze was just a one-off thing. Happens every day. That one too.

That achiness is probably just…hunger. Yes, hunger, that’ll fit the bill.

That soreness in my throat is…errr…well, I don’t know what it is, but it’s not a sore throat.

The slight dizziness is…ummm…lack of sleep. No, wait, I got a good night’s sleep last night. It must be from working too hard then.


Ahhh, crap. :mad:

Here, have a tissue. No, have several. I feel your pain.

Hal, I just got a club pack of tissues. I can give you a box, if you need it. I’ll have to keep the others, though - I’m going through tissues like they’re potato chips.

Not that I’m sick, or anything.


…are you getting sick?

I’ve read about you and the sheep. You are one sick puppy. You’re not getting sick – you already are sick. Sick and twisted.

It’s probably scrapie.

Oh dear - sounds like you’ve got what I’m just getting over. I pretty much lost 3 days of my life, but I’m older and decrepiter than you are, so maybe you’ll get off easier.

I had to sleep in a recliner for 3 nights because lying flat brought on coughing fits, and stacking a mountain of pillows just didn’t do it. I’m hoping to return to my bed tonight. And when you’re done with my germs, you don’t have to give them back. No, really…

feel better!

I’m headed for the Doctor’s tomorrow. Pretty sure it is just my allergies though, Sore Throat, Post Nasal Drip and stomach discomfort from popping Advil Cold and Sinus Pills.
Do you have allergies? The pollen count was ridiculous this weekend in the Garden State. If your symptoms are like mine, that may be what you got.
Hope you feel better soon.


Oh please, you big baby. What happens when you’re sick? You call in to your home office and say you’ll spend the day on the couch?



audible sigh

Ah, I am so glad I don’t get sick…

sniffs a few times Ah yes…clear nasal passages.

Love em!

Or he’s allergic to wool.

Now hang on a minute. Hal is sick, and he doesn’t get a moment’s peace. It’s been months and that tired old gag just keeps coming up, so that poor Hal can’t even recuperate for five minutes without hearing another barb. Ewe should be ashamed of yourself.


So, Hal, achy muscles? burny eyes? coughing? sneezing? an itchy pain in the nasopharnx? itchy/sore throat? skin feels icky?
Then I’m not sick either… :dubious: