What movies do you want to see released to DVD?

I just watched Creature from the Black Lagoon and it made me want to see The Incredible Shrinking Man from the same director. Unfortunalty, ISM isn’t available on DVD as far as I can tel. What others would you like to see “updated” to DVD? And what special features would you like to see added?

**Texas Across the River ** Someday. Someday it will be available.

America, America (1963), Wild River (1960), The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter (1980), Killer of Sheep (1977), To Fly! (1976), Civilization (1916), King: A Filmed Record… Montgomery to Memphis (1970), Hospital (1970), Seventh Heaven (1927), High School (1968), La Ronde (1950), The Cool World (1964), The Devils (1971), The Poor Little Rich Girl (1917), The Big Parade (1925), The Wedding March (1928), Tevya (1939), Mädchen in Uniform (1931), Make Way for Tomorrow (1937), Hellzapoppin (1941), Tobacco Road (1941), The Earrings of Madame de… (1953), Voyage in Italy (1954), The Hill (1965), Cul-de-sac (1966), If… (1968), King Lear (1971), Thieves Like Us (1974).

Robin Hood: Men In Tights… oh hey! Two months ago! W00T! :smiley:

The Victors

1963 war movie I saw as a kid and remember as being pretty good. I’d like to see it again.

ISM is available on a region two DVD - I have a copy. Hard to believe it hasn’t been released in the States though.

I’m still waiting for Before the Rain and Voyager to hit DVD.

Well, I started to say The Loved One only to look it up and discover it was just released this past June! Now I have something else for my Christmas list!

Branagh’s Hamlet – the uncut version.

Erik the Viking - Terry Jones, John Cleese, Tim Robbins, and Eartha Kitt! Hi-freakin-larious

My own little quirk - Lili. Especially since I just saw the lovely Leslie Caron on Law & Order: SVU.


Gene Roddenberry’s Genesis II.

Eric the Viking was supposed to be released early this year, if I’m not mistaken, but was pulled out in the last minute. Donno why.

MacSpon, Branagh’s version of Hamlet is scheduled for a 2007 release. Link. Scroll down until you get to the October 18th news update.

Monster Squad.

Freaking brillant. Imagine The Goonies versus the Universal Monsters.

Orson Welles’ Chimes at Midnight. The Brazilian DVD seems to be out of print now. Anyone know if its true the film is undergoing a restoration?

I really, really, really want to have a DVD of At Play in the Fields of the Lord.

This was a great movie! I’d buy it in a hot second if it was available on DVD!

I’d also like to see High Strung released to DVD. The rumors keep flying, but I haven’t seen anything come of them yet.

1st, 2nd & 3rd Seasons of Kim Possible.


**The Fox ** (1967) based on the D.H. Lawrence book, starring Sandy Dennis, Anne Heywood and Keir Dullea.

1944’s Cobra Woman.

And a made-for-TV version of Frankenstein that was made in the 70s. I don’t know the title or the actors, director, or producer, but I remember thinking it was pretty neat. It had a bride of Frankenstein that wore a black choker around her neck to hide the scar where her head was sewn on. Man, would I like to see that movie again.

You Never Can Tell, an old black and white about a police dog who is reincarnated as a middle-aged private detective, and his girl friday who used to be a racehorse.

The animated series Duckman.