Windows Vista - From Whiny 2-year-old to Snotty Teenager

Some of you have seen my XP post from a while back. . Now Windows has grown from a whiny toddler to an insolent teenager, and it’s time for a roast…
Son, it’s time we had a talk.

I know you’re into Linux and Mac OSX. When I was your age, I liked stuff outside the mainstream, too. You should have seen me during my speed metal days, but I digress.

Fact is, even though you might like to be Linux or OSX, you’re not. You come from a long line of bloated operating systems that have more holes than a slice of swiss cheese. So cut the act and learn to be a little bit more true to your roots. Your mom and I didn’t raise you this way.

For example, while your mom and I love that you ask permission to do things, we don’t like it when you ask if its okay to do something right after we’ve just told you to do it. Like when we wanted to install Nero, we told you “Please install Nero” and you said you needed our permission. It’s pretty much a given that if we ask you to install something, we’re giving you permission to do so. So quit second-guessing your parents. We know you want to be more Linux-like, but it’s not like you even ask for an administrator password or anything like that. So if you’re going to snottily emulate Linux, at least do it right. As your parents, we’d prefer that you not do it at all.

Your mom and I also like the fact that you’re learning to recognize the system components we have hooked up, and automatically load the right drivers and whatnot. It shows you’re getting more mature and one day, when you’re a fully-grown operating system, you’ll be able to do this every time without making mistakes. For right now, though, don’t pretend you know what’s best for your dear old Dad, and quit insisting that YOU know what the right driver is. Your dad has been doing this shit for quite some time, and even though you’re growing up, sometimes we know what’s best and you should listen to us instead of insisting that a perfectly good device driver doesn’t meet your requirements. You can’t immediately expect every goddamn device manufacturer to drop what they’re doing immediately and conform to your expectations just because you’ve entered your teenage years. It might take them some time to meet your expectations with respect to drivers, so quit pretending like the world revolves around you.

Now, you’ve been playing with Outlook since you were a little kid. You know how he stores e-mail and you know that he’s a little bit bloated. But we’ve got news for you. So are you. So stop pretending that you don’t know what his archive files are. You two have known one another long enough that you shouldn’t be bickering about the particulars of an archive file format. Your utter refusal to cooperate is just plan silly, and it makes you look like a snot. You’re still hanging out with Excel, Word and all the other Office applications? Why exclude Outlook? He’s a reasonably nice kid and we know his parents. Be nice.

About that near-constant play for attention… Yes, we know you’re developing new features all the time as you grow toward adulthood. But part of being an adult is knowing when you’re being helpful to somebody and when you’re being an insufferable attention whore. We told you half a dozen times we didn’t want to hear about your new features on startup. Yet, every time we boot up, there you are, bragging about how cool you are and all the new things you can do. The thing you need to understand, son, is that sometimes Daddy just needs to write his weekly column, and he can’t drop what he’s doing just to learn about Gadgets or Windows Mail or any of the other things you want to talk about.

We know you’re growing up fast, and we don’t want to discourage you, but if you’re going to learn to be an adult, you have to stop acting like other operating sytems that have less market share, like some emo kid with a new Dashboard Confessional CD. That’s not you. Stop excluding your friends just because. Stop begging for attention at every turn. Only then can you grow into a real, adult OS.

Your Parents

A 10 for creativity.

I hate having to sell Vista computers because I know that Vista is annoying as shit. I just wish we sold Macs in the store, I could sell the shit out of those. I have a feeling our poor techs will be getting slammed with computer questions and work soon once all these people start using their Vista machines.

Writing a pit about an operating system is like writing a pit about cream of mushroom soup. Honestly, what is this obsession about software types? Your computer is an appliance, not a spouse.

How dare you.

There, there, honey, ignore the bad man. He just doesn’t understand.

Are you sure?


I thought it was really cute. I’m easily charmed by cuteness, though.

When you have to spend as much, or more, time with your computer as your spouse, then it becomes an issue. Life’s much easier when both cooperate with all reasonable requests.

But you have to concede RickJay’s point, it is both far easier and far cheaper to dump an appliance that you are unhappy with than a a similar spouse.

Still not ‘cheap’ for a lot of people. And the alternatives aren’t great. Also similar to dumping a spouse :stuck_out_tongue:

A lot of people have substantially more interaction time-wise with their PC (and the OS) than with their spouse.

You spend 8-10 hours a day eating cream of mushroom soup?

I took it to mean he’s somehow become intimate with a can opener.

  1. Hit with hammer, bury in backyard.
  2. Hit with hammer twice, bury in backyard.
    Nope. Not really.

I haven’t used Vista, but the Mac commercial says you can turn that feature off.

You could turn it off in the Beta version (it was the first thing I found after I installed it).

Lots of things are annoying about Vista and much of it can be tweaked. Just like various linux distros and OSX, you have to set them up to work FOR YOU.

I was thinking of upgrading – in fact just purchased a laptop wih XP because there was a 4 week waiting period at Amazon for the particular Vista-loaded system I wanted.

So I guess my question is, what’s so “annoying” about Vista and is is not a better product than what I am currently running both on my desktop and the laptop I got, XP-Pro? And at the risk of getting bashed by the numerous Mac lovers lurking around (never used one, haven’t felt the need or compulsion to even try. it’s been windows for me since its infancy) I think XP-Pro is already a pretty darn solid and steady OS.

Then again, I freely admit I’m no computer tec – though I can take them apart for adding graphic cards, HDs, sounds cards, Memory, etc. and sometimes I even manage to put them back together in reasonable working order.

RedFury, you might be interested in this review.

And here’s another, much more thorough, review.

Mushrooms are the food of the gods. They taste great, but their taste is not the most important component of their divinity: their texture is. Biting into a fresh mushroom is absolute bliss! The way it seems to resist at first, tricking you into believing it’s going to be apple-like in its crunchiness. Then suddenly it yields to the force of your incisors. And how it yields! The sensation of your teeth penetrating the delicious flesh of the mushroom is, without exaggeration, the most incredible thing in the universe.

SO WHY THE HELL DOES CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP EXIST?! Seriously, what genius came up with the idea of completely ruining perfectly good mushrooms and pawning off the result as “food”??? Hitler? It must have been Hitler, or at least an admirer of him. Cream of mushroom soup is pure evil.

Here’s a recipe for cream of mushroom soup:
[li]Wash some fresh mushrooms. Do not eat them, even though that would be the only sensible thing to do.[/li][li]Chop them up with a knife, thus wasting the orgasmic experience of penetration on the lifeless blade.[/li][li]Fry the mushrooms with some butter and chopped onions until lightly browned.[/li][li]Add some flour and chicken broth and simmer for five minutes.[/li][li]Place three live kittens in a large bucket of water. Hold heads under water until drowned.[/li][li]Put everything in a blender.[/li][li]Utter your favourite Satanic chant.[/li][li]Blend until liquid.[/li][li]Heat evil mixture for 10 minutes.[/li][li]Serve.[/li][li]Rape and murder innocent people.[/li][/ol]

FUCK CREAM OF MUSHROOM SOUP!!! If you really don’t want the mushrooms, send them to me. I will give them a good home. While you’re at it, send those kittens to me. I will train them up to become my dark army of mushroom-gathering commandos. And they will feast upon the flesh of my enemies!

Ummmm? Ahhhh?


What Mbossa said!