A Happy Thanksgiving MMP

(I know it’s early, but I’m off to bed soon and have a pretty busy morning, so here we go!)

Maple and herb turkey
herb and leek dressing
marbleized root vegetable puree
cider-glazed sweet potatoes and dried cranberries
herbed gravy
fresh cran sauce
jellied-log of cran sauce
relish tray

apple cinnamon pie
pumpkin pie

This menu has been en force since 1996!

My family
Our health
My dog cuddling in bed with me while my hubby is away M-F
My kids stepping up and really helping
Great colleagues
the feel of my hubby’s arms around me on Friday nights when he comes home.

OK, you?


Darn edit window!

Your supper menu sounds tres yummy soapy. My parents are taking the family out for Thanksgiving, but my kids have requested that I make our traditional holiday supper on Friday.

The menu:

Roasted Turkey
Mashed potatoes
Homemade orange/cranberry sauce
Sweet potatoes
Green bean casserole (I know, but they love it)
Raspberry jello salad
Fruit salad

Pumpkin pie.

I’ll be back for real this week. No, honest!

I’ll be having a traditional turkey dinner with friends at Houlihan’s.

What? We’re all single with out-of-state families.

Been away from here for days, and missed being first by an hour! :smack:

Let’s see. We’re having roasted game hens, stuffed with my famous apple cranberry stuffing. Cranberry sauce. Cream cheese and sour cream whipped potatoes. Gravy. Green beans. Glazed carrots. Salad. And an apple cranberry tart.

And the next morning I’ll make chicken pot pies out of the leftovers.

surprise dinner! I thought my sister was doing Thanksgiving this year :eek:

Turkey and gravy
Smoked oyster stuffing
Can-O-Cran Jelly
roasted garlic mashed potatoes
Southern-style greens
chipotle yams
roasted carrots and parsnips

butternut squash pie

As always, we are doing thanksgiving at my in-laws house :shudder:. The upside is that I get to cook the bird, plus anything else I feel like bringing. I’m going to make some homemade cranberry sauce (yeah, I know. Not a big deal. However, her family doesn’t know what ‘cooking’ is, so if it is something I want done right, I bring it). Where was I? Oh yeah. Food. I’m also considering making a batch of spiced apple cider. How I love that stuff. I’ll also be making a gravy. I want to try it using a roux, bit I’ve never done that before. I’ve always used the corn-starch-in-cold-water method.

Would it be wrong to use them as guinnea pigs for my cooking experiments? Why not? They have used me for similar nefarious reasons… a moral delema, to be sure.

The rest of the [del]glop[/del] food will be cooked by my MIL or brought by guests. It is a very surreal combination of flavorless food cooked by someone who doesn’t know how to cook (pre-cooked biscuits from Wal-Mart that have been warmed in the microwave, mashed potatoes that are just… mashed potatoes and nothing else, a nameless goo that I will save you a description of), and super-bowl party snacks (industrial-sized platter of chips, dips, finger veggies, pepperoni slices, etc. Yeah, for thanksgiving supper. The mind boggles)

So, so bizzare, her family is.

I do wish all you, my friendly faceless mmp buds, a wonderful and happy thanksgiving. Considering I abstain from all forms of alcohol at all times, well… drink one for me. I’m gonna need it.

Probably duck since I’m roasting it tomorrow. Cranberry-ginger-orange compote, dollar store potatoes (N.O.T.-- she’s worth a million bucks, not 99 cents!), which are these little guys that came in red white ‘n’ blue.

Green beans almandine 'cause g.b. casserole I just don’t understand, like celery in jello molds. Something small but fancy for dessert, pumpkin related I’m sure. Souffle? I’ve never done pumpkin souffle.

It sounds terribly Martha Stewart (that slacker) but really, it’s just me so I’m playing Mad Chef. My lab assistants all wear fur coats!

I think I’m going to be taking a hockey player to dinner for Thanksgiving. Or Thanksgiving Eve. His fiance has gone home for the holiday and the poor boy is lonely, so his hockey mom will take him to dinner.

For the first time in years we don’t have a hockey game on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day. Bah Humbug.

Of course it’s raining-- I washed my car a couple of days ago. Better than a freakin’ rain dance, that is, yup.

Menu: I’m going to my "just friend::)'s house, so I don’t know the menu beyond deep fried turkey.
Good friends and family
Gordie(even if Roomie calls him “The dog from Hell”)

We don’t get a New Year’s Eve game this year.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN 'Tis 58 degrees Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 84. It’s Springtime in Fall! :smiley:

Fun OP and Topic Soapy!

Turkey Day DinDin:

Roast Turkey (Duh!) made by me
Some form of smashed N.O.T. not made by me
Collard Greens made by me
Green Bean Casserole not made or eaten by me ::shudder::
Sweet Potato souffle made by me
Gravy made by me
Steamed carrots not made by me
Real green beans not made by me but by someone who knows how, so YAY!
Rolls not made by me but real homemade rolls, so YAY!
Sweet N.O.T. pie made by me
Caramel cake made by Mennonite ladies, so YAY AND YUM!!!
Cranberry sauce from a can made by Ocean Spray

Thankful For:

All My Mumper Friends Real and Imaginary
My Church, I love St. Pat’s!
All the IRL Friends who will be at da cave on turkey day
Lots of other stuff I can’t think of right now

Tonight is men’s night over to the church house. Steaks are marinatin’ and beer is chillin’. I foresee a good time.

Now I must seek out more caffiene and brekkie for rumbly tummy. Then, alas, irk purtification must commence. On the upside, only three days of irk this week. YAY!!!

Happy Monday Y’all!



Turkey, brined
Cornbread stuffing
Smashed N. O. T.s
Turkey gravy
Cranberry salad
Roast cauliflower
Green bean casserole
Punkin pie

Thankful for:

I have to think about it. :wink:

Your recipes all sound delish!

Swampy- sweet potato souffle? I want to learn more!

Dinner at my mom’s means I don’t have any control over the menu, except for some of the desserts. No one in the family bakes pies so I’ll be taking punkin’, peach streusel, and maybe an apple crisp. Other items I’m sure we’ll see are:

Turkey - probably a bit over-roasted
some kind of stuffing (doesn’t matter - I don’t touch the stuff)
Smashed N.O.T.
Fried slices of sweet N.O.T. (my grandmother used to make it this way)
brussels sprouts
maybe peas
Polish sausage (as an appetizer)
Possibly another surprise dish if Mom finds something she wants to try

copious amounts of wine and booze will be available, and consumed by a few family members. I’ll probably drink water as usual

Thankful for:

my sweetie
my daughter (minus the current boyfriend - I wish)
a roof over our heads
surviving retirement
reasonable health
Netflix :smiley:
life in the boonies
and last but not least - **Mumpers **- even swampy! :wink:

**Jackal **- would you be willing to share your recipe for Cream cheese and sour cream whipped potatoes? That sounds amazingly yummy!

As for today, apart from lots of laundry and the bit of painting I promised to do for my sweetie, I’m going to clean the kitchen. Since I didn’t really cook all weekend (making a sammich doesn’t count) we just kinda let stuff accumulate all over the counters, and it’s a disaster. I may run to the store for some apples, or I’ll do it tomorrow after class - still deciding.

It’s rainy, and it’s supposed to stay nasty thru Weds - glad I got the leaves up yesterday. So it’ll be a dreary day spent indoors doing chores and stuff. Life is good!

Happy Monday!!

I read that as “life in the boobies” the first 3 times I saw it.

That would be something I’d be thankful for… :smiley:

Oh, I usually do a sweet corn pudding, but parents are coming. That means a kosher meal, so no dairy with turkey. I can adapt everything else, but not the corn pudding. That’s ok- ill make one over the weekend!

Would soy milk work?

I use soy milk for other parts of the meal, but I need heavy cream (and loads of it! :)) for the corn pudding. I think soy has too much protein and too little fat.
I’ve never tried it though… Hmmmmm…