Game of Thrones 4.06 "The Laws of Gods and Men" 5/11/14 NO SPOILERS

4.01 Two Swords
4.02 The Lion and The Rose
4.03 Breaker of Chains
4.04 Oathkeeper
4.05 First of His Name

Rules sticky

Man, how do I screw up the title every week? 5/11/14. Not worth reporting though, close enough :stuck_out_tongue:

Great episode! Can’t wait for next week.

Well, that was the performance of Peter Dinklage’s career. Holy crap. :eek:

“You will father children that are named Lannister” whoa, just drop that right in there Tywin.

Dumb question, but did the goatherd’s son survive the dragon raid? Were the bones the goatherd presented that of a goat or his son? Did Dany’s translator spare her from knowing that her dragon killed a child?

OK, that was more than one question, but I think you get the idea.

The man seemed grateful. I doubt he’d be that grateful if he was paid in goats for a killed son.

That was clearly a goat.

The question I had about that scene is, didn’t she ever hear of appointing judges? I’m no expert, but if she has to hear 200+ cases per day herself, she’s not going to have much time for anything else.

The Tyrells sure seem to be doing pretty well for having a complete tool as their ruler.

He’s the ruler in the same way that Tommen is head of the Lannisters.

I get the crazy feeling that Jaime is going to offer to duel Tyrion. Would be even more epic if it was Tywin!

Bran seemed to do the same thing when he was presiding over Westeros. I’m guessing it’s not 200+ per day, but just a big backlog from when she’s been gone, but who knows?

Gone? She only just started actual ruling (as opposed to conquering) this episode. That said, there’s probably a big rush at the beginning.

Yes. He deserves an Emmy, Golden Globe, or whatever awards are appropriate for HBO series. Outstanding work.

Can’t say I’m impressed with the legal system here. No right to counsel, no right to cross examine witnesses. Even acting pro se, I think Tyrion would have shredded most of the witnesses against him had he been allowed to cross examine.

Found it interesting that he rejected the deal Jamie brokered for him. I think Tywin would have kept his end of the bargain, but now we’ll never know.

Should we assume the Iron Bank is backing Stannis now? They said no, then Davos shows up with money to hire pirates…

I was somewhat surprised the Greyjoy raid ended the way it did. Seems like they still had a fighting chance of killing whoever the sadistic bastard is…Ramsay? I forgot his name.

Also surprised Dani is apparently allowing her dragons to roam free. They’re dragons. They’re going to eat whatever looks tasty, and they’re still vulnerable to attack/capture.

Missed seeing Arya and the Hound this week. Also Byrnne & Pod.

Davos’ speech about Stannis convinced them.

Most of the witnesses were telling the truth although without context. Also, we don’t know if the next stage of the trial was the defense because Tyrion upset Tywin’s plan.

If they hadn’t put Shae on the stand, Tyrion would have followed the plan. They Hand overplayed his hand.

Here we fucking go. Aside from a few exciting moments Season 4’s been off to a slow start. Still good, but obviously spending a lot of time setting up the pieces. Now we’re full steam ahead.

I don’t think so. The Mountain is about to show up.

My guess is the Mountain will be the prosecution’s duel and Tyrion’s champion will be Bronn or, more likely(because it would really put Tywin I an awkward position) Jamie.

Dude saves the city, and the kingdom. Everyone knows that Joffery is a monster and yet not one person stands for him at the trial, with the exception of Jaime.

He would probably have gotten a better deal with Stannis.

Other than that, I loved prince of Dornes cross examination , or clarification of Shae.
