Best Cartman Lines

In the toothfairy episode, Cartman replaces the words “cool” and/or “awesome” with “tits.” Me and my girlfriend laughed at that for days.

Cartman imagining he is Hitler: “All is Verboten, Goddammit!

Another subtle delivery after Cartman wins the regional tryouts for the Cheesy Poof commercial. Kyle insults Cartman using Haiku poetry.

“Your Haiku insults do not affect me, Kyle, for I am regional champion.”

[Cartman playing Jesus on the cross in a school play]: “Weak, Peter. Lame.”

How could I forget…this one from the end of the movie…

“Kyle, I’m sorry I ever called you a stupid Jew. You’re not a Jew.”

Chaim Mattis Keller

“I wasn’t saying anything about their culture, I was just saying their city smells like ass.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, what I said was…
[megaphone feedback]
[puts megaphone away]

During the Cheesy Poof tryouts after the redhead kid did his audition Cartman said “Uhh, I do believe that sucked ass!”

“Kyle! Why don’t you go back to San Francisco with the rest of the Jews!”
Kyle; “Jews don’t come from san Francisco fat ass!”
Cartman; “Kyle I will kick you in the nuts!”

“Pip, your parents are dead? Godamn you suck!”

That movie has warped my fragile little mind.

Beefcake, BEEFCAKE!!!


You ate your parents,
You ate your parents.

One of the most disturbing SP episodes ever. And that’s saying a lot.

" If some woman treated me like that I’d be like ‘hey, why don’t you stop…dressing me up like the mailman, a-and making dance for you…while you smoke crack, and have sex on my daddy’s bed with someone I don’t even know!’ "

"Cartman, what the hell are you talking about?

“I’m just saying you’re a little wuss, that’s all.”

Well, that’s a hell of a way to use my 1000th post. :frowning:

Get outta my ass, you stupid rainbows!

“Don’t mind him, he’s a very disturbed little boy.”

“My mom said there’s a lot of black people in Africa.”

“Democrats piss me off.”

“Too bad drinking scotch isn’t a paying job or Kenny’s dad would be a millionare!”

to Starvin’ Marvin:

“Here you get to eat all you want for only $6.99. That’s why we all come on Tuesday nights. Except for Kenny’s family, because to them, $6.99 is 2 years income.” -Eric Cartman

It’s all in the delivery. From the Civil War re-enactment episode:

“I hate you guys … so very, very much.”

Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but I am Jeus and You. Are. Not!

“What’s the big deal? It doesn’t hurt anybody. Fuck-fuckety-fuck-fuck-fuck.”
“I hate you, Kenny.”

(after making a negative comment about Jews):

Kyle: HEY! I’m a Jew!
Cartman: Don’t be so hard on yourself

Mr Garrison: “Eric…if you call Wendy a bitch one more time, you’re going to the principal’s office!”

Cartman (struggling to contain himself):"…Eh…uh…bitch."

Mr Garrison: “That’s it Eric, you–”

Cartman: “I’m going, I’m going.”