Create an absurd Haiku!

Love is the answer
Unless you ask the question:
How round is the earth?

Telephone game ends:
“Purple Monkey Dishwasher.”
Teachers’ strike still on.

Sometimes when I fart
I am fooled by my bowels
Oops, I did a poo

I sometimes have an
urge to write a haiku that
cuts off in mid-sent

Haiku writer slumps
“Cherry blossoms fall,” again?
Soon he jumps the shark.

It’s a strange request:
create an absurd Haiku?
I can’t think of one.

Haiku of the Tick:

Spoon! Spoon! Spoon! Spoon! Spoon!
Spoon! Spoon! Spoon! Spoon! Spoon! Spoon! Spoon!
Spoon! Spoon! Spoon! Spoon! Spoon!

Badger badger bad
Ger badger badger badger
Mushroom mushroom snake

Haha, you guys are great at this! I say we publish a friggin’ book.

See the poodle jump
through the flaming hoop – too high!
Overachieving burns.


what a lame haiku.

Credit card recieved.
Blazing white letters spell out:
“Santos L. Halper.”

The moon falls slowly
over the dusty mountain
a lone wolf howls

Wait, that wasn’t absurd at all! Let’s try again:

A hard tube of flesh
ecstasy in a foot long
penis and hot dogs

Bravo. I’ve been checking every time I saw an update, waiting to see if somebody would comment on my entry’s origin. Should have known it’d be mobo85.

One more Simpsons, I guess. I’ll use my wife’s favorite episode:

Chateau Maison wine,
give to the donkey? No, Bart.
Does it make him blind?

(a weak effort, I admit)

Watch “Murder She Wrote”
I must change channel to see:
Ullman’s Simpson’s shorts.

Small lump of green putty
I found under my left armpit
Fish machine parts gone.

Flying green chickens
squirrels eating minestrone
wearing underpants

Unilateral flatware

England wins the Cup
The fork and spoon remain Dutch
USA has plates.

Haiku dui Mel

I breathe in a tube.
Passion. Apocalypto.
Jews cause all wars. Hic.

Bush as Marriage Counsellor
Millions are twice wed.
Do not re-mar-ry, said Christ.
But queers must not wed.

Four windows open
Three for Straight Dope, one for porn
Multitasking rules!

In an email conversation with my brother, he said something that sounded like a line from Wayne’s World. The response to that line was something like “I think that’s a Haiku”. My brother didn’t get the reference and emailed me back to tell me that it wasn’t a Haiku. I responed with:

Poorly Understood
My attempt at humor was
Like Yoda I sound.

Two Short Haikus about other verse forms
Sex with a bucket.
A hung lad from Nantucket.
Just does not work well.

Restrictive and sparse.
Cadence is hypnotic, odd.
Prefer limericks.

Haiku to another board
Witless and peurile.
Snarking anonymously.
Get a fucking life.

Haiku to my birthplace
My Weokahatchee.
Dead children spin in sunlight.
Love and hate you, me.

Haiku to Pollen
Yellow is my car.
With rain, sneeze and lemon streams.
Natures gold cum shot.

Haiku Malakar
Sanjaya sings Kinks.
Little girl cries video tears.
Hula from our mind.