33 substances that come out of a human body

A few years ago I read an otherwise forgettable novel in which the
author mentioned “The 33 substances that come out of the human body”.
After many hours of cogitation and list-making, I could only come up
with 24. Perhaps I’m more stringent than the above-mentioned author.
On the one hand, I feel that changing a name does not alter the
substance - snot, phlegm, and mucous are, in fact, all the same
thing. And on the other hand, I think listing items like slivers,
bullets, and toejam is just cheating.

Here is my list: 1) hair, 2) skin, 3) perspiration, 4) sebum, 5) earwax, 6) tears, 7) mucous, 8) blood, 9) vomit, 10) carbon dioxide, 11) teeth, 12) saliva, 13) breast milk, 14) fingernails, 15) urine, 16) feces, 17) methane gas, 18) menses, 19) smegma, 20) infant human beings, 21) placenta, 22) amniotic fluid, 23) pus, 24) that gold, transparent fluid that dries out to become a scab.

That leaves me 7 short. What am I forgetting?

  1. Semen
  2. Vaginal lubricant
  1. Eyelashes
  2. That hard stuff that ends up in the corner of your eyes.

Eyelashes are hair. And I think those hard things (known in my youth as “sleepers”) may well be mucous hardened into little bitty eye boogers. But I’m not sure.

sperm & egg ?


Perhaps I could make the case for all the fun things that come out of the womb during birth? Let’s see, there’s the amniotic fluid, the placenta/umbilical cord, and the amniotic sac itself. That’s four right there.

If you wanted to be a splitter you could divide a lot of these substances into many different components – blood, for instance, is plasma and all the blood cells. Semen is a lot of different liquids mixed together with the sperm, etc. But I suppose that’s cheating, and it could get kinda silly…

Would you call kidney stones “urine”?

Mentioned - check the OP (although the amniotic sac may or may not count as something seperate).

Sometimes things come out of the body that aren’t necessarily supposed to, like organs. The appendix deserves honorable mention though.

Ugh, I swore I read the OP. I think that means it’s bed time…

Contact lenses :smiley:

I’m pretty sure “infant human beings” can’t be described as a “substance”. Things like teeth and fingernails seem a bit doubtful as well.

viruses and bacteria?

You can separate out the mucouses. Anal mucous is rather different to snot.

If you are going to differentiate between all the gases (carbon dioxide & methane), you might as well include hydrogen sulfide, which (among others) puts the aroma in farts.

methane? or is that just me and the bovine? :slight_smile:

Would “vomit” cover stomach acid? Cause somethings you just choke up acid.

“Menses” is actually blood and uterine tissue.

Meconium, baby’s first poo. No shit :D!

In the case of tears, water and salt.

But if you do that then you can’t include sweat, because it is already covered.