Great/funny fake names???

My last name is pronounced EXACTLY like it is spelled.
However, when we give our name to the hostess at a restaurant/event etc. they ALWAYS totally butcher it while announcing it over the loudspeaker.
So instead of signing in as “Smith” I was hoping you guys could give me some ideas along the line of

Imajunkie etc.

Something that would be hilarious over the loudspeaker.
What can I say? We get bored easily… :slight_smile:

/go go gadget burt reynolds voice/

Turd Ferguson. Heh heh. It’s a funny name.

/go go gadget burt reynolds voice off/

Dick Swett - the real name of a former Democratic candidate for the US House in New Hampshire.

Mike Hunt

Bubble Girl, that is a GOOD ONE!! LOL

I had to say it 3 times to “get it” !!

Heywood Jablomey

This is just another name for a “Prank the Bartender” thread.

Damn, someone get Creaky in here. We were chatting a while ago and she knew this name that was funny as hell.

Of course, I forgot it though.

Well, there’s always the ever-popular Phil McCracken.

Or the more-vulgar and less funny Buster Hyman.

Are you guys all crazy?

Hugh Jass.

There can be only one.

Ema Nymton

Zebra: I’ve read it and read it, and said it and said it … but huh?

Hugh G. Rection
Pat McGroin
Pat McRotch

Can’t forget the classics

Betty Humpter
Ben Dover

Then of course I actually know someone named Richard Wacker.
Yes, he goes by “Dick”. He seems to take a perverse pride in it.

You could be my Russian friend, Oliver Klosov.

Ditto on Ema Nymton. I must be too tired.

I went to a school called Chabot, and pronounced “sha-beau”.
Whenever someone asks how you spell that, we always said “just like it sounds”. :smiley:

Dick Gazinia
“Papa” Cherry
Mike Rautsch
Dick Hertz
Having an adolescent son can come in handy

I’ve always been fond of Howie Feltersnatch.

Clint Oriss is fun too, specially when it’s prefixed with “Mister”

Well, it lacks the hormone appeal of most of the others given so far, but a friend claims that when going out to eat with buddies he will often give his last name as “Donner” just for the thrill of hearing them annonce “Donner party … your table is ready.”

Ben Dover and C. Howett Fields (thanks, Cecil :))
Jack Meoff
And here’s to all the Dick Johnsons of the world.

Ema Nymton - read it backwards.