Mike Rotch :)

Hey guys. This is my first post! A friend of mine gave me information on this and I just love reading your witty comments! Keep it coming!

Anyways, I’m trying to compile a loooong list of those witty names such as the favorite “Ben Dover” (bend over) or “Mike Rotch” (my crotch), etc. , like Bart Simpson used to use all the time when he called up Moe’s Tavern. Give me your best!

Amanda Huginkiss.

Here’s one we used in 6th grade: Pete Zeria

Here’s a list of Bart Simpson’s phone calls:


Did you hear about Ben Dover’s buddy, Phil MacCrevice?

Bertha Vanation

Or Phil McCrackin

Mike Hunt
York Hunt
Seymore Butz

and my personal favorite
Haywood Jablowmee

true story…
reporter talking live about some politician named Ron Pina…

“today, Ron Pina said…”
the reporter almost lost it when he realized it sounded like “penis-head”

There is Ben’s sister Ilene Dover, Phil McAvity, I.P. Freely, and a nearly infinite number of Chinese sounding names such as Long Duck Dong.

Holden McGroin.

Then there’s “Carrie Hunt.” Not laughing? Switch around the first two letters.

Switch around the first letters of each name, I should have typed…

Connie Lingus, and her cousin Phil A. Show.

When I used to work in the service division of a major electronics retailer (don’t want to name names- let’s call them “Circus Shitty”), I got a repair claim from a customer by the name or Harrold Butz.

Tee hee… Harry Butz.

My fav. was always Hugh Jass. Especially from the Simpsons when Moe said, ‘Hey everybody! Check the bathrooms for a Hugh Jass!’

On one episode of The Man Show, they got a bunch of guys who actually had these embarrassing names on and interviewed them. Then they scrolled a list of other names of actual people who refused to be on the show.

There was (is?) a hockey play for Quebec whose name was Joe Sakec. His last name is pronounced like “sackish.” Someone made a statement about some other player, and the TV anchor made a comparison by saying, “How about Joe Sakec at Quebec?”

It sounded just like, “How about Joe Sack-a-shit Quebec?”

A local radio station runs that clip alot.

I like the variant of Mike Rotch…Mike Rotchburns

And the infamous Mr. Meoff. First name Jack. We refer telephone telemarketers to him a lot.

Mary Stoodintookit. Heard that one at a bowling alley. And, from Whose Line Is It Anyway, “Pat Nicely”.