1000 Posts - Be There or Kindly Be Square

Not much to say really. Since nearly everyone forgot my birthday IRL, and no one knew OL, I feel in need of a party of some sort. This could be a good surrogate.

Well, everyone can use this opportunity to say you like me, say you are ambivalent towards me, or say you think I suck. Most all opinions are welcome.

I start today towards the next milestone - 10,000.

Una Persson
Coal Goddess

YAY! Anthracite, welcome to the “club”. (BTW, I think you suck! :smiley: ) Happy Birthday too! (When was it?)

I think you rock, Coal Chick. I’ll play nekkid twister with you anyday.

::breaks out the tequila and offers Una a shot!::

You suck Anth, but I still like you. :wink: Happy 1000th and Happy (belated) B-Day too! Hope you ate ice cream and cake even though people forgot.

Forgot your birthday? Screw them. There’s lots of people to celebrate with. Happy counting.

Happy 1000!

<lee passes out noise makers and party hats>

I am not any where near square! Rather round in fact.

All hail the coal goddess!

Happy 1000th birthday to you!

(Wait, that can’t be right.)

Happy birthday, and congrats on 1000!


Excellent work. Notify accounting that you’re due for a raise. :slight_smile: Happy 1K!

And happy birthday, for good measure!

Happy 1,000! Nice to have you here. :slight_smile:

As a member of the UVLAN (did I get that right?) I would like to say: all hail the Queen! Things just would not be the same here without you… I have enjoyed every post.

Hey, you are on your way to catching up with handy! Congratulations!

My surrogate mother’s hit 1000!

Woo fricking ha!

Congratulations. I may be up there soon also. :slight_smile:

Congrats, Coalchick! If it isn’t clear by now, I like ya, and I have to respect anyone who’s a PE (someday I may tell my story about working for an engineering firm for two years).

I’ve been wondering about something though. Isn’t Una Perrson a Michael Moorcock character?

Hey, nice going! You’re halfway to getting a real post count!

< D&R >

Congratulations, Anthracite! You are one of the good people, in my book, anyway. And thank you for the thread title. I always wondered what Apu (or was it Apu’s brother?) was saying in the 22 short stories about Springfield episode of The Simpsons.

Congrats on the step to four figures Anth and a big happy birthday, belated thought it is. Tell us when so we get it next year.

[opinion hat]

I think you’re a great poster - you’re one of those posters that can entice me into a thread I have little interest in simply because you offer such interesting thoughts and insights.

As for whether you suck or not, well I thought you’d made that abundantly clear early on.

[/opinion hat]

Finally, an real reason to say hot damn!

Anthracite, the complex, time-blessed bringer of light and heat passes 1000! (Many are bituminous: smoky, dull and smudgy.)

You’ve been attacked, assailed and beset, but damned if your postings aren’t examples of intelligence, light and reason!

(Sorry; over the top Vebian rambling.)

Dunno about youse guys, but I’m raising a glass in honor of a tried, testy and carbon-true diamond of a Doper!


Another party! I love parties!

Congratulations, Anthracite! I enjoy reading your posts, and hope you post many more!

Happy 1000 to my favorite lez and happy 100,000,000th birthday to my favorite form of coal!

Bituminus SUCKS!!!