Have expressed an interest in trying freshly baked cupcakes. I found a yellow cake box mix that only makes one layer of a cake, or a dozen cupcakes, so I bought it. And made it. Sapphire the Siamese Drama Queen and Charlie the orange attack cat both said that it smelled delicious and that they’d love to have some. Shadow the orange catloaf was uninterested, but then he never eats human food at all.
No, I didn’t give any of the cats a taste. Sapphire is quite demanding enough, and she’s a bit plump. I don’t need to encourage her to have any more bad habits. She’s quite the pest when I eat an avocado. Charlie is hyper enough as it is, and generally he’ll sniff the food, snub it, and try to steal Sapphire’s portion. Sapphire does not find this amusing at all.
I did give my husband a cupcake, though. It made him very happy, even if he did have to fend off two cats who wanted him to share.
This makes me think about my dog Daisy, who will eat any human food she can reach. I have a washing machine in my kitchen and I put the freshly baked cupcakes on the back of it. Of course Daisy could reach them and she ate them one-by-one paper and all!
In my experience, a cat who must wait until no one is around to object to his jumping up on a kitchen counter to sample a cupcake will not settle on devouring one, but will nibble and lick every single one on the cooling rack, as if to say, “this one is mine, all mine, and this one too, all mine, muaa-ha-ha-haaaa!”
I know, I know…our camera is at the farm, and even if I had it here, I can’t take pictures. Really. Anyway, it’s impossible to take pics of Charlie. Either he’s Zooming, or he’s being the Monster Under The Bed, waiting for someone to walk by so he can attack. My husband has a nice series of scratches from where he was Attacked day before yesterday.
My husband made some cookies once, 3 layer chocolate–they were a pain and took forever. So he left them out on the counter overnight, covered lightly with plastic wrap as they were very soft and he wanted to give them time to cool completely before he put them away.
When we woke up the next morning, a number of cookies had paw prints on them. If the plastic wrap hadn’t been there to protect the cookies, we would have had a dead cat. My husband was hysterical. The cookies tasted great though, and the paw prints were definitely a plus.