A good show tonight!
So the man who is willing to kill hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of innocent people, the man who the Bosnians couldn’t crack in 2 years, the man who is adamant that Jack won’t be able to crack him in an hour, the man who says what he is doing is for the good of the whole wide world, has a real soft spot for his daughter’s life!
Tony does the perp walk through CTU! Then in interrogation when Tony is informed that he faces the death penalty. he looks stunned. D’oh! And Brad has to explain it all to him while Tony looks first dumbfounded and then despondent. Surely the head of CTU knew that the was risking millions of lives to MAYBE save his wife. Surely the head of CTU knew what the potential penalty for treason was! We already know he’s dumb, but stupid too?
No alarm on Sherry’s expensive house that she lives in alone? Someone who has made quite a few enemies over the years? That would seem to be a bit unusual, to say the least! Override codes for an electronic safe? I don’t think so. And they forgot to close the safe when they ran out. Since Sherry was in the driveway, how did they get out and across the street without being seen?
Bombshell! “I want to be your wife again”. Even I wasn’t expecting that! And Palmer seemed like is getting pretty good at lying as he says YES! But a woman’s intuition win’s out. Why didn’t Palmer have her held by some of his trusted men for a while to give Wayne & Fox some more time to work? Maybe scare her, like ask her if she was willing to mysteriously vanish and die a horrible death? That’s what I would have done!
Brad has to tell Michelle that Tony let Saunders get away 2 hours ago. Stunned silence. Then tells her he is going to prison (note, didn’t say to the death chamber) and to resign immediately if she would have done the same thing. She doesn’t appear to resign, so we know the answer. Classic! Hey Michelle - you’re husband really loves you, but he’s a traitor. Visiting hours are when?
Fox throws a hard right cross to Sherry’s jaw! Down for the count! And she has the vile taped to her body? Mondo dumb!
But even dumber, Wayne runs back into Sherry’s house when he sees Julia pull up and go in. Sherry’s ministrations at Julia seem to be working but then BANG! BANG!, Julia does the deed and [hopefully] rids us of her presence. Then Julia blows herself away. Very sweet! Now how does Wayne explain his presence there, in the middle of a terrorist crisis? Or does he run? Did he leave any prints? And what will the police think when they see a dead woman with a fat lip and Julia doesn’t have any marks on her hands from doing it? Just when Palmer might be thinking it was safe to go out again. Wait till he hears that both Sherry and Julia are dead and Wayne was right in the middle! As they say, if it weren’t for bad luck, he wouldn’t have any luck at all. :wally
And to leave us hanging - everyone thought they had the isolated the person carrying the vile in the subway. But if this was truly the carrier, then the show would have ended an hour to early, so we knew that wasn’t going to happen and the guy had to be a decoy. At least he was kind enough to stand there looking at the subway map and not make Jack chase him because I bet Jack’s pretty tired by now.
Now how are they going to find the guy without the locator chip? All we know is Saunders is working up a sketch and the guy smokes Camel’s. Do their satellites have face recognition? Hmmm, sounds like the old straw in the haystack problem…