24: Season 6: Episode 22 (3:00am - 4:00am)

I hadn’t thought of that second possibility. Eeew indeed!

I also keep thinking that Josh looks more like an actor suited for a 1960s TV “drama” like Flipper, or a comedy like My Three Sons.

Yeah, when Grandpa Bauer told Josh he shouldn’t have to be burdened with all the mistakes his father had made, I had to remind myself that he was talking about Graeme and not Jack!

Seriously. The VP should play that angle.

“Well, Mr. Suvarov, let-me-tell-YOU-something. We have 3 more of those sub-sneaky-snooker-circuit boards from the suitcase nukes that YOUR rogue general illegally sold to terrorists to attack OUR country. If you don’t withdraw your forces amassing near our bases, those boards and copies their codes might just accidentally fall into the hands of India, Korea, Vietnam, Germany, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Romania, Norway, Denmark, Laos, Australia, Microsoft, Deathtorussiastan, and the three middle eastern countries written down on this piece of paper that I’m holding up to the telepresence camera.”

This was a pretty ‘meh’ episode brought to life only by some Jack carnage.

Regarding Morris: Didn’t he have a hole drilled into his shoulder earlier in the day? Did he drink from Jack’s mug or something? How the hell is he taking on a (hopefully somewhat) trained mercenary.

Yelling at the screen time: When Nadia was asked if there were any casualties, she answered, “One”. WTF! I know the ‘red shirts’ are nameless, legion, and expendable, but that was cold and cruel to the max.

I was thinking the same thing.

“Oh, yeah… And some random hallway guards. But I didn’t kiss any of them today…”

For that matter, why isn’t the Chinese attack on CTU an act of war? Shouldn’t that piss off the White House?

It almost seems like the White House doesn’t even know about it yet. :dubious:

And I have to second the WTF at Nadia’s “One.” To be honest, though, I didn’t even notice it until D_Odds pointed it out. I guess those red-shirted rentacops really do feel expendable!

I noticed it. Even the girlfriend noticed it, blurting out, “I guess redshirts don’t count!”.

Or maybe all the redshirts just got wounded? Yeah, that’s it!


None of them were in the situation room, so the only casualty Nadia saw was Milo (though it was pretty premature to state it so definitively without at least asking around first).

I apparently am not the only one thinking that Shrieking Marilyn is possibly not the wide-eyed innocent she pretends to be - I’m calling affair with Granddaddy Bauer and Josh being his child, too.

You know, they took the Russian spy captive and forced him to upload the planted emails. It almost seems like they could have done that without involving a civilian who couldn’t act appropriately spy-ish. But then the vanload of secret service guys and whatshisface wouldn’t get to watch Lisa gettin’ her freak on.

In a 6-year run full of implausibilities, if Farmer Hoggett is indeed Josh’s biological father, this show will have jumped the shark in sheer outlandish and arbitrary unlikelihoods.

I dunno, she might have preferred him to Jack’s wimpy assed sibling. :slight_smile:

I call him Weasel Boy. :smiley:

It also never occurred to anyone that the Russians might be watching him. How stupid do you need to be for that?

Of course, the ‘betrayed woman having to go in and deal with the guy betraying her’ is a recycled plot point from Season One. Only difference is that this one was stupid end didn’t follow up her wine bottle with something lethal - instead she was going for open handed slaps. Oh no! However will he survive that?!?! The last one stabbed the guy! That was a woman could respect.

I even told my girlfriend, “Honey, if it comes to the point that you think you need to smash a bottle over my head, don’t follow it up with slaps. Look for something heavy.”


They already knew he was a spy. Better to monitor a known spy than have him replaced with a new one you have to find. Of course, if NSA was really doing their job, they would have known long ago about the link between him and blondie.

Jack Bauer: Tell me the truth, why is Josh so important to you?
Phillip Bauer: He’s my grandson.
(Jack slaps Phillip)
Jack: I said I want the truth!
Phillip: He’s my son.
Phillip: He’s my grandson.
Phillip: my son, my grandson…
(slap slap slap)
Phillip: He’s my grandson AND my son!!!

"I’m my own grandson…"lalala

I was under the impression that the people working in the White House, especially those who work with, say, the Vice President, would have their relationships outside the WH under some scrutiny. So they don’t, say, start screwing around with, say, a Russian spy.

But, as my husband says, turn off your brain and enjoy the ride. :smiley:

Jack: DAMMIT!!!

CNN reports 24 has been picked up for two more seasons, and will return with a mostly new cast and possibly new location(s), but will still be real-time drama.

It will?