He’ll always be Lieutenant Dudley Smith to me.
“Knock knock! Who’s there? Dudley Smith, so Reds beware!”
Brrrrr, chilling.
He’ll always be Lieutenant Dudley Smith to me.
“Knock knock! Who’s there? Dudley Smith, so Reds beware!”
Brrrrr, chilling.
Couldn’t they find any actors under the height of 6’ 10" to play papa Bauer?
Some great lines in this episode, but Chloe is waaaaay too normal. This seemed more like a placeholder episode until next week.
I’m kind of hoping Bill and Karen will have an impromptu make-out session in the hallway when they’re reunited, giving Chloe reason enough to taser both of them.
Chloe doesn’t taser nearly enough people on this show.
You’re all wrong. His greatest role is as Mr. Skolnick (Louis’s father) in Revenge of the Nerds.
“I’ve, uhh, got the old cruise control set at 35.”
Don’t worry, when Jack’s mom appears, they’ll even it out by hiring an actress that’s 3’2".
She’s actually been way too normal all season so far. Either she’s become more socially adjusted, or they are saving the big Snark Attack for later.
Hey, if Graham (however he spells it this week) can take over Dad’s goon squad, what about Mama?
Either that, or Jack and Graham are revealed to be adopted and next season we’ll be introduced to Jack’s “real” father (who’ll likely also be a major player in the world of international munitions brokering or a '60s radical who went underground after committing a terrorist act).
He could be working at a 7-11. Or not working at all. He seems like an assmunch to me.
And has everyone forgotten Daddy Bauer’s finesse with joy buzzers and exploding cigars?
As is obvious from the content and tone of the preceding remarks, this was by far the most boring episode of the entire series. I found myself leafing through TV Guide during the show. I hope this year gets better.
I know… it’s getting old. Everybody always gives in. Like CTU doesn’t have logs and stuff that will show what really happened when Fayed was in custody.
I’m stuck with a redundant login and I had to post this twice, so apologies to anyone whose processes I had to borrow to get it posted.
Amen to that… did Jack even kill a single person this hour?
I guess torturing one’s brother is enough Jack mayhem for the hour. Plus, it didn’t make the final edit, but I hear Jacked kicked Graem’s puppy on the way out the door.
Terrorist! You’re descended from terrorists! Even if you’re working for the U.S. government!
What the hell’s up with that? Why keep it secret?
And how the hell did Walid expect to return the cellphone? Was he a street urchin and trained by Fagin before becoming head of the Token Good Guy Muslim club?
I was thinking that a simpler strategy would have been, “Hey man, you dropped your phone over there. Quick, put it back away before the Feds see it!”
Nope. And even his “torture” of Graem lacked his usual inventiveness. At least threaten to pluck out an eye, or something!
Now I’m reminded of the immortal words uttered in another Keifer Sutherland movie… “Kill your brother. You’ll feel better.”
Doggone it. Let go of my socket!
By the way, if the information about the 5 “visitors” was on some publicly accessible website… then why did it take an overheard conversation at a detention facility to come up with that bit of “intel”? Seems like the bit Walid overheard was the first any branch of any government agency had heard of the “5 visitors”.
Not until we open a new protocol.
Lennox doesn’t let his guys use the web, and Chloe takes up all the bandwidth at CTU doing whatever it is she does.
Yeah, he should have just dropped the phone on the ground near where he ran into the guy. Stupid Walid! Stupid plotline! Stupid I-wish-I-were-as-badass-as-Sherry lawyer chick!
Jack and Graem look like Smurfs next to their dad.
I think they dropped that a little too quickly. I still have a feeling that at least one of the people in the group Walid was hanging out with actually does have some connection to the day’s events.
I am particularly bothered by the poor excuse given for the fact that Mysterious Arab Suspect was able to sneak a cell phone into the facility. After all, if they had time to strip search Walid (they made a point of mentioning that, didn’t they?), I don’t see how they don’t run their hands through all of MAS’s pockets.