24: Season 6: Episode 7 (12:00noon - 1:00pm)

Also, I hated this episode more than any non-Cougar Trap*™* episode in the six years I’ve been watching this show. Are we sure this season isn’t a repeat?

Let’s see:

  • A president who has people close to him actually working against him?
    Yeah, but that was David Palmer. This is Wayne Palmer. Totally different.

  • Jack being betrayed by someone close to him?
    Blood relatives aren’t the same as ex-girlfriends.

  • Romance within the ranks of CTU causing distractions at inopportune times?
    Yeah but…I mean…OK, you got us there.

Also, our DVR screwed us over so we missed the first six minutes of the show. I was really, really hoping to find out that Walid had died in those first six minutes, but even THAT didn’t work out. sigh


So I guess Milo is the bad guy then? That really is the only thing that makes sense…damn CTU read a resume once in a while, perform a job interview, something!

I’m interested in finding out the reasoning why his brother and his father are evil bastards and Jack is freakin’ superman. I don’t buy the whole, “we’re the same Jack” bullsh!t. There has to be an inciting incident somewhere along the way and we damn well better find out what it is or someone at fox is dying.

I get angry every time I watch this show but I keep coming back for more. Ohhh the hatred I have for this show…I really hope the show is done after this season; I can’t take it anymore. I can’t stop watching because I need to find out what happens.

Do you really think they (the writers) are trying to make it “believable”? I think they are quite deliberately frequently just having a good time. Jack has a father who is such a cold-hearted monster that he will kill his own son via torture drug overdose? I am SO there.

It would be great if the producers put up signs in CTU that said fun things like:



Wow, talk about a guy who puts work ahead of his family.

I feel the same as others who feel like we’ve seen it all before. I’m sick of porous CTU perimeters. I’m sick of people giving in to the terrorists (can’t wait to see Morris give in and create the triggers, even though they’ll kill him anyway if he does). Wayne Palmer is the suckiest president ever. I’m sick of people being left alone with suspects. I’m sick of CTU always being a step behind. I’m sick of data being created where it doesn’t exist.

I don’t know why, every year I try to take it seriously. You’d think I learned by now. So now I will concentrate on one thing only:

I hope Chloe goes all Rambo on a rescue mission to save Morris.

Why take Jack and Dad out to the construction site? If the goal was to get rid of Jack, why not just shoot him at the Company office?

Well… Yeah. Big fucking flashing red sign, right there in the score.

It was a slow moment for 24. A somber, action-free moment where no one was dying. A tender father and son sentimental respite from the killfest. And in the score there was a piano playing a soothing pseudo ostinato. In a consonant key. “I’d like to be alone”, says Daddy. Oops, there’s a dissonant chord.

BIG FREAKIN’ CLUE, PEOPLE! The music knows what’s going to happen!

It’s like eating a Twinkie. Not all that enjoyable, nutritionally unsound, and afterwords you feel a little sick. But you just can’t help having another in a week.

Oooh… I like that idea.

The roommates and I were actually happy we got an episode that kept us hooked. I mean, sure, it was was just as silly and repetitive as the rest of the season, but at least it was good ol’ old-school 24 boom-boom.

Those of you who disagree, though, let me point you here. Tim Goodman has enjoyed 24 in all its ridiculous glory, much as we have, so his recommendation probably wouldn’t let us down.

Also, if anyone thinking that this “company” resembles the Bluth Company gone horribly, horribly wrong?

Yeah it was pretty obvious that Dad was going to kill Grae as soon as he asked to see him alone. When are they ever going to learn to never leave their prime suspects unwatched? Well, at least he didn’t slip out of the typical CTU perimeter!

And how about that “stirring” speech by the president? I was expecting “uplifting music” to start playing in the background at any moment. Wow, is that purposely bad writing???

Don’t know. I have no idea what the Bluth Company gone horribly, horribly right would look like.

Yeah, it’s not like we’ve ever had an underqualified legacy President with an older VP who had secret desires to run the country himself.

Now now, are we really surprised that Papa Bauer turned out to be EEEEEEVIL? I was hoping they wouldn’t go there simply because it’s such a cliche, but then I remembered this is 24, and the writers cannot resist any “twist,” no matter how absurd. And you have to wonder about Jack’s observational skills when he can grow up in the same house with not one but two remorseless psychopaths and never realize something is wrong.

I hope we at least find out why Dad needs Jack alive, because he’s had two golden opportunities to kill Jack in the last hour and didn’t take either of them. I predict we’ll get some Darth Vader speech where Dad tempts Jack to come over to the Dark Side. “Together we shall rule the country as father and son!”

Also, you know the scene where Jack goes batshit and kicks Graeaeame to the floor, pulls his gun, and then looks up to see Dad staring at him all stern and father-like? That would have been a perfect time for the line, “That’ll do Jack . . . that’ll do.”

Of course, it would have totally ruined the tension of the scene, and possibly the entire series, but what the hell.

The writers aren’t playing fair with the audience’s expectations, and in some ways
are displaying (indirect) contempt to us the viewers.

Hypothetical preseason writers’ brainstorming session:

Writer #1: “Hey I know! We’ll have Yet Another Coup in the Highest Office in the Land!”

Writer #2: “Umm we did that the previous season.”

Writer #1: “Yeah so what? Our viewers are so addicted to this show they’ll put up
with almost anything, including ridiculously retreaded plots.”

Writer #2: “Okay-after all we’ve got to make a buck somehow. Anyone for an

I guess I was hoping that 24 was different from the more run-of-the-mill dramas
we typically get. They have A list pretensions but B list (or even C list) plots. I
almost would rather watch reruns of the A-Team because it is almost equally as
silly but doesn’t take itself seriously at all. The 24 hour of real time concept seemed
intriguing at the outset but in practice requires the writers to put the show through
some very outlandish manuevers to pad out all that time.

'Twas a horrid speech he gave
and all through the House,
Not a creature was trusting
not even a mouse.

Well, Jack clearly knew that Graem was up to no good. I suspect that he regarded Graem as some sort of psychopath.

I watched S.1 with earnest interest, lost interest about 2/3 into S.2 and gave up. The constant threads here sucked me back in and this is a hoot of a ride, as long as I disconnect any logical faculties I might have.
Trying to make sense of ‘24’ is like trying to make sense of a Minestrone. It’s just there, made of of impossible (improbable) parts. But now the bowl is in front of me and I have my spoon. I might as well enjoy it.

Another thing I forgot to mention before . . . so Morris is sitting there trying to decipher the identity of this mysterious guy in the LA area who knows how to arm a nuclear bomb and is currently being hunted by the Bad Guys. And yet it never occurs to him, “Hey . . . *I * know how to arm a nuclear bomb, and I’m in LA. Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t flee the building based on vague and suspicious information about a relative in peril.”

But then again, Morris has been breathing CTU air all day, and that has been known to kill brain cells at alarming rates (even without a poison gas attack).

JACK: “I’ve made a huge mistake.”

So, Darth Grim is dead… and the Sith master, Darth Stretch, is looking for a new apprentice.

Just you all wait… dad isn’t the ultimate evil mastermind behind the plot, nor is Fayed. It will end up being…

Kim Bauer.

You heard it here first.