420 Posts!!! You Know What That Means...

That’s right baby! Party time! Of course, everything we do here will be entirely legal.

::sound of bubbling in the background::

I just happen to really like the number 420.

::more bubbling and some coughing::

So, uh BYOW, and we’ll… uh… have some… ummmm…

::more bubbling, then coughing, then giggling, then silence::

Ya know dude, like,…uhh…, hey man, 420 posts is like…uhh…

hey! don’t bogart the B man…

yeah, so like… uhhh… what was I saying?

Puff Puff hand, puff puff hand, puff pu…

And just think, I’m going camping today. I’ll be sitting around the campfire with those glassy eyes and a shit-eating grin, roasting marshmallows… What bliss! :smiley:

Smoke up Freakly!



P.S.-- Can we petition for a Bong-smoker smiley?

My very first bong hit was too weak. :frowning: Didn’t hardly make any bubbles. My second bong hit was too strong. I almost choked to death! :eek: I probably couldn’t roll anything without making a mess. :frowning:

That said, I brought brownies and cookies!

A girl



I brought the Ding Dongs and Twinkies…and of course some B.C. bud. The best on the planet

walks in toting a case of Mountain Dew, and a bag of Green Sunchips.


Yeah. You’re still 80 away from 500. :wink:

That you’ve found the Ultimate Answer?

…and multiplied it by 10?

All good things must come to an end.

Hey! I din’t say you should stop passing it!

Four more hours to go…
::Humming “Smoke two joints…” ::

Hey. Congrats Freak. I’m almost at 420 myself. I’ll probably hit it in the middle of your party.
Everyone here.
I’d just like to say, that WE ARE THE REAL DOPERS.
The Doper Dopers as it were.


I’ve brought the gravity bong. Everyone line up. If you’re going to puke, save it for the toilet.

Now oldscratch, how many times must I tell you, moderation is the key???

Spark me up, bro!

‘blurble,blurble,blurble’…<cough>…um,why am I here? Oh yeah, Congratulations. Do you have any pineapple?

Moderation Schmoderation. If we wanted moderation we could all go to a message board. Oh… We’re already here.

Ok. Who’s in for some pizza. There’s a great place up the street.

Oldscratch, I’ve told you I generally don’t smoke out of gravity bongs. I’d say “Spark the hookah” but, IRL, I’m here alone. I’ll just stick to good ole Dr. Suess. :smiley:

Hey. Not everyone need to touch the gravity bong. I have a big ol joint here too.

yeah!!! Here it is. My 420’th post. Time to get really stoned.

Yeah and, like then, I went walking down this street… no, wait, I was driving. Yeah, I was driving down the street to my friend’s house and we were gonna go… no wait a minute, I was going to my girl’s house, that’s right. So I was driving to my girlfriend’s house to get her so we could go to the store and… No, wait a minute, that wasn’t even me. Never mind.

Is that J’ still circling…?