Today the judge gave me $50000 out my fathers estate. You would think that this would solve affair amount of problems. Yah right. Okay we have been given a 60 days to leave and sell our. Why becasue they feel that our lawn is not up to par. It does not matter that everything she ever asked us to do we did. In the last three years we painted the house, slurried the driveway, pluming, removed rock, put in landscaping and fence. All that cost money. We never cenpliand. We were never once late for the any bills. We never had the cops come out to our place. We keep to ourselves. So what her problem? The fact that we are not weed free 24hrs a day. We had arranged to have cement to cover 90% of everything. She said okay. She knows that we are waiting for the money and the week before she out. GGGGGRRRRRR.
It would not so bad other may who live such right next door have the same rocks and bricks that we had remove.
My husband has been out of work seems september. He has college degree years of experance computor skills up the ying gang and send out resuems every week. Today he is at job fair.Where it was 30 companys. Well 7 he interviewed for. Perhaps something will come of it.
So have bad credit becasue we had no money. Our car needs a new transmions. It runs but how much longer? We are told that we can only get 5000 for our house that we paid for less than three years ago 20000.
So we find a place that the guy who owns the a park. He has a house out in San berndardino. That the out there. He wants 51200 for a three bedroom 2 bath. Plus he want the whole first year. Plus moving cost of about 600. Plus I figure 1000 to live in case unemployment does not catch up. Plus turning cable, phone, water it all cost money.
Perhaps we willbe able to talk him into waiting a couple of months for the full amount. But as I figure it we are 4000 short of having enough to make us not homless.