504 Gateway Timeout

I have recently started getting a large number of these errors - fairly randomly, I will be surfing the SDMB for example and will open up several threads, most of which open, one of which returns:

Sometimes a refresh is all that’s needed, othertimes, the page will not load, although others continue to load around it. Googling the phrase doesn’t offer much in the way of help, I have rebooted the router and renewed my IP without success.

Any help/advice appreciated…

It’s more than likely something closer to the SD server than to you. If your internet connection requires you to use a proxy server (or you’re using one for some other reason), it could be a problem with that. Otherwise, probably not much you can do about it, AFAIK.


Hmmm - from your quote:

Email sent to my ISP, let’s see if they bother responding!!


Is it more common on some sites than others? (I originally read your question as being a problem with this site, while others continue working).

No - seems to be totally random.

The ISP did respond and gave me specific DNS servers and a proxy server to use, since then I haven’t had a problem, but there was no pattern before, so I’ll wait and see.


I reckon that will fix it - to me it sounded like a dodgy DNS server.

Strangely enough, shortly after changing to the specified servers, I had a new problem - the generic “Internet Explorer cannot find the page specified” which I resolved by reverting to automatic DNS and removing the proxy server… :confused:

So far, so good…