8 year old girl wants to marry me

I have an 8 year old neighbor that has a huge crush on me, I think I was the last to know because my whole family knows and her parents know about it. Everyone else thinks that this is cute and I need to be nicer to her and I am nice to her.
At first she came over my house to play with my stepsister but then I noticed that she would come when my sis wasn’t even home eventhough I had never let her in. the other day when my sis was home she didn’t play with her but came into the living room where I was and started petting my hair while I was sitting in a chair. I asked her very nicely to stop and she did but she then decided to strike up a conversation with me, asking all these questions about what kind of girls I like. Other than that she hangs on me every chance she gets and will pet the top of my head anytime she see’s me sitting down until I ask her to stop, and will walk up to me and poke me right in the belly button. I think I made the biggest mistake of all today because she was wearing a dress and I told her that it was nice after being asked if i liked her dress about 100 times. Anyway I made her the happiest girl in the world by saying that and I know that I just extended the time period she will have a crush on me.

I like the kid but the only things that bother me is all the talk about getting married, her rubbing my hair, poking my bellybutton, and telling people that I am her boyfriend.

How do I get an 8 year old girl to not like me anymore?

Let the crush run it’s course like everyone says or tell her that we will never ever ever ever ever have a relationship because I am more than 2wice her age and I don’t find her even a lil bit attractive.

2 things I have tried that didn’t work being a “pig” and showing her pictures of me holding hands with other girls.

Let it run it’s course. It’s the only thing you can do I think.

Awwww :slight_smile: How cute!

I have the same thing happening with a little cousin of mine, she’s 10 though, and thankfully I don’t live anywhere near her so I don’t have to socialize with her very often.

I can see how it can get on your nerves, but I agree with what your family says. Let the crush run it’s course. She young and fickle and her attentions will switch sooner or later. Certainly make it clear when she does somehting you don’t like though.

And the idea of showing her pictures of you holding hands with other girls might work… or it might backfire and she’ll start to think of them as “competition” :smiley:

You can let it run it’s course.

You can also help reinforce the idea that this “marriage” won’t work the next time around by playfully telling her that you’ll be an “old man” when she’s ready to get married and that she’ll find someone her own age to marry.

Don’t purposely make her jealous by showing pictures of you holding hands with other girls (that only really serves to hurt her [I know that wasn’t your intention]). If you do find a girlfriend (or if you currently have one) don’t flaunt it in front of her (for the same reason) but you don’t have to hide it either (you’re not required to rearrange your life to please your eight-year old neighbor.

Zev Steinhardt

Does she have a puppy you might be able to kick?


…How about a barbie doll that you can set on fire?
Seriously, though. I remember being 7 or 8 and having the Worlds Biggest Crush on a 13 yr old kid at the rollerskating rink. I still remember what his “girlfriend” looked like when he made it a point to slow skate with her while I was staring at him. I agree with letting her know you’ll be an old man when she’s grown up enough to get married. Either way, it’ll pass. =)

What is wrong with you?

I’ve had two little girls develop crushes on me and I liked it.

I try to be nice to them and treat them with respect, hopefully setting a pattern for their future romances.

It probably won’t last long. In a month or two she will barely tolerate you.

I’d say let it run it’s course. Besides, in ten years you may come back for a visit :smiley:

As a guy who had two neighborhood girls get crushes on him, I say don’t burn your bridges. Stay friends with her, learn to enjoy her company as though she were a little sister. Why break her heart at all? Just let it run its course.

The girls I knew ten years ago have grown into absolutely gorgeous ladies who are wonderfully fun to be around and who pretty much have their pick of men. The age difference is scandalous, I’m engaged, and ninety-four other reasons that I’d never date them, but: that’s not your situation. And someday, when you’re in your late twenties hanging out with the guys, and the now-early-twenties girl who could give a cab-driver whiplash comes up to you, and not only says “hi,” but is tongue tied and shy in your presence, well… it’s a nice little kick in the ego. :smiley:

Jurph reminded me of this, which is obviously not applicable in your situation.
When I was at primary school (4-12 age range) there were two girls who me and a friend would play this stupid game where we (the males) would pretend to be frogs and would chase the two girls everywhere. The girls were about 2 or 3 years younger than us. This game was played virtually every day for a long time (I vaguely remember fancying both of them)

Then I was at High school.

Then 3 years later both girls joined the same high school as me. On first seeing me one of them was incredibly flurtateous. Partly because I was incredibly shy and partly because I assumed at the time an age difference of just 2/3 years was utterly wrong I gave her the cold shoulder. That is probably my biggest regret in my whole life. That girl grew into one (checking forum, MPSIMS, damn, can’t swear) god damn beautiful girl! Possibly one of the mos beautiful girls I’ve ever seen.
On the occasions I remember that, I kick myself (so to speak) very hard.

I constantly wish I could go back in time and call my 8-16 year old self a bloody :wally

When I want girls to leave me alone, I just have porn star sex with them and then never return their calls. After a couple weeks, they stop calling.


Just whatever you do, don’t be mean to her.

If the physical aspect of things has you a little uneasy (and in these times, I can understand that), than maybe have a very brief heart to heart with her, in the presence of an adult, of why you think it may not be a good idea.

Sounds to me, though, that the touching she is doing isn’t anything even remotely inappropriate for a child, so maybe you should just let this crush run its course.

That course may take a long time, though. I have a friend whose daughter has been in love with me for 13 years. Started when she was 8, now is a very lovely friendship. As a family friend that is. I’m more like her favorite uncle or older brother. And yes, I love her intensely, too. When she was 8, and her mom first met me, this little child was starving for male attention. She happened to be a very smart child, too, able to hold her own in all but the most complicated of conversations. She wasn’t a prodigy, just a bright kid. And the little kid would show thru at times.

At first, she had this little problem of either wanting to hit me or snuggle with me. (Why do all females have this problem with me?) Well, with her mother’s help, we reasoned with her about what things were right and proper,and what things weren’t. Then, I made it very clear what I would and wouldn’t tolerate. (FTR, I’m now 41.) I’m not saying we never played or hugged or anything, but the blatent seeking of attention, physical or not, was right out. Period. (Man, I feel for the children of divorce.)

So, we would do puzzles, watch the moon through my scope, have sing alongs, etc… All in all, I’m very glad she chose me as a friend for life. There’s nothing like the friendship of a child, even when they grow up.


Cooties have worked for me since I was about 6. I haven’t had an 8-year-old girl hit on me since then, I think.

Come to think of it, I haven’t had much of anyone hit on me since I was about 6, with few exceptions…

Do you have a buzz cut (ie the hair is cut really short so it stands up on end)?

Yep, you’re going to hell. :wink:

I will never be **mean ** to her but I just get a lil’ nervous when she tries to get all touchy, because some people might think “a teenage guy and an 8 year old…he must be a pervert” c’mon you know how people think these days.
BTW My hair is short but curly.

I think it’s okay for you to show that you’re annoyed when she touches you – ask her to stop, (gently) remove her hands, that sort of thing. No need to be mean about it, but if she knows you don’t like it and that it’s irritating you, she may stop doing it. After all, if she has a crush on you she doesn’t want to make you angry.

Usually the way I get girls to ignore me is to show some interest in them.

Honestly, I can’t blame you for that concern. I’ve heard of parents who won’t let their daughters go to sleepovers if the friend’s father is going to be present in the house. IIRC, Ann Landers once warned (circa 1997-1998, when I read the column every day) that a father napping in the same bed with a nine-year-old daughter was a danger sign of molestation. There seems to be a very confused Zeitgeist vis-à-vis grown men’s relationship with girls, and you are justified in being wary of that minefield.

Since it is easy to preach from a distance, I’d suggest stating explicitly this concern to your folks and asking them to share it with the girl’s folks. Then, at the very least, the two most important uninvolved parties are aware of your concerns up front. IMO, the Ann Landers column—I wish I knew how to go about finding a copy of it for you—is a noteworthy peice of evidence to demonstrate that your concern simply isn’t paranoia since she is regarded, by many, as the arbiter of appropriate behavior.

That said, you can probably let her pet your hair, hold your hand, and generally hang on you—especially if other adults are around. In turn, you can teach her to shoot pool, play cards, throw a punch, and wrestle, all things that will make her that much more whole and fun to be around when she grows up. If you find that your concerns cause you too much, um, concern, just ask your parents & her parents to make a rule that she can come over only when one of the four parents are around.

Finally, if you want her to leave you alone, I’d suggest showering her with affection. One sure-fire way to get a girl to ignore you is to act like you like her. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d let it run its course, but avoid being alone with her; not necessarily because you think anything might happen (I’m sure it won’t), but she might say something silly that someone else could interpret badly.

Aww, I think that’s sweet.

You have a unique opportunity to help her practice her flirting skills.