What you think would be some of the most awkward, humiliatiing or embressing(possbly amusing as well) ways to die?
Say, like slipping on a banana peel and busting your head open.
What you think would be some of the most awkward, humiliatiing or embressing(possbly amusing as well) ways to die?
Say, like slipping on a banana peel and busting your head open.
I’ve always felt bad for laughing at this.
There was a guy at my work several years ago who died at a constuction site because he had a porta-pottie droped on his head…
I mean can you imagine that? You live your whole life busting your ass to pay the bills and to just try to stay ahead in life; And for what? To have a Gah- damned porta-pottie fall on your head!!
I think auto-erotic asphyxiation has to be the absolute top.
I knew a guy that once ripped his rectum pleasuring himself with his vibrating pager.
When I heard that, I said to him, “What if you got an infection and died? Is that how you’d want to go? Is that how you’d want to be remembered?”
Some people think it’s a new sensation.
What are Motorola ads we’ll never see.
Okay, I’ll take Famous Fisting Injuries for $300, Alex.
I think mangetout is right on, that’d be WAY embarrasing. Though no where NEAR as troubling as dying of a heart attack whilst on board your mistress
Being the guy who tests shark repellant and shark proof suits.* I mean,until they’re certified, who gets to actually try them out?
“Ew…, gross! Well, I guess that design is a wash. Where’s that other temp?”
yes, I know that’s not how this stuff is tested, it’s a joke*
**have you noticed that one has to do this a lot more lately on these boards?
Oh, ouch. I like INXS enough to be mildly offended…
Clearly The Darwin Awards have this category covered. The ones that come immediately to mind are the guy who demanded his security-soldier colleague stab him in the chest to prove that the reinforced vest he was wearing was knife proof.
But the one that makes me shiver all over is the guy who dropped his keys down a drain on the street, tried to reach them and got stuck. He drowned in about 6 inches of water…stupid and horrifying all in one.
I thought of autoerotic asphyxiation too. There was a sophomore in my university that lived in a single dorm room. He didn’t arrive home on time for the holiday break and his parents called the school. When the TA’s opened his room, they found him naked and strangled by his own T-shirt. The word spread quietly about what had happened but the school newspaper reported his death but obviously skipped over the details.
I started a thread like this about a years ago.
I jokingly said that one way would be to die during the recreation of a battle. An English doper chimed in that they have recreationists that re-enact battles from their civil war. Apparently they use real pikes and halberds and although they are careful, every once in a while…
Do they let you into Valhalla if you fall during a fake battle?
A guy I knew died that way. His wife at first refused to hold a funeral, and there was a huge family confrontation about it.
Seconded (or probably ‘fifthed’ by now.
Stephen Milligan anyone?
But the death loses its embarassment factor if you’re dead: if you’re killed by a piano/safe/anvil falling on you, you never know what hit you. Even auto-erotic asphyxiation lacks an acceptable interval between “oops - I slipped” and loss of consciousness to contemplate what the people who find you will think.
Now, the variation of auto-erotic asphyxiation where the person rolls himself up, Cleopatra-like, in a carpet or between mattresses, and then realizes he’s trapped and slowly suffocates, allows more time for the panic to fade, and the victim can go through the six stages of depression, anger, bargaining, denial and embarassment.
On another note, there is the imposed embarassing death. Consider the death of Admiral Canaris, who was involved in the Hitler bomb plot. Although his death itself was purely horrific (slowly pulled up by piano wire around his neck, revived and hanged again), during his trial while facing certain death, the Gestapo forced him to wear trousers several times too large so that he had to keep hitching them up throughout the proceedings like a hobo clown. The Romans were the masters of this sort of comical murder for amusement, but obviously it comes from someplace in the human soul that continues unextinguished to this day.
In catholic grade school we had to attend one of our classmate’s mother’s funeral.
Word spread that she had died from choking on her own vomit while running to the bathroom because she didn’t want to get any on the floor. Bad choice I guess.
I also had a friend get in a serious car accident (hit a tree) because he was trying to save his Coke from spilling on the passenger side floor. Another bad choice.
Well, there’s always the guy who tried to burn an American flag during an anti-American protest after 9-11, who accidentally lit himself on fire and burned himself to death.
I remember reading in the papers several years back about some poor guy who met his death when the porta-john he was using blew off the top of a building under construction. It was inadequately fastened down, it seems, and a gust of wind was all it took. Wonder what went through the poor man’s head on the way down…
I have a wonderful image of that green stuff in the bottom swirling around all over as the porta-john tumbles down to the street … What a nasty way to go.
I’m going to nominate getting hit by a CTA bus here in Chicago (you may substitute your own city’s public transportation system if you wish). I can’t find a link to the story right now, but I remember reading about this happening: guy stepped off the curb and got run down. Nobody on the bus noticed, and the driver just kept on with his route. People on the scene were horrified to watch this guy get flattened, and the bus just drive away. To get run over, and not even be noticed by the driver and passengers - that seems pretty embarrasing to me.
-Is exactly the unfortunate case I had in mind when I suggested it. Found hanging by the neck in a noose made of electrical flex, a plastic bag tied over his head, half naked, women’s underwear around his knees and (IIRC) an entire tangerine stuffed inside his mouth. Sorry guys, it just doesn’t come much more embarrassing than that.