A different sort of thread

How many times do you read a thread title and assume it means something you can relate to? So much so that you don’t waste your time reading the OP, especially if it’s over one sentence in length?

This one has already violated the basic premise by having a second paragraph.

That said, go ahead and post whatever you were thinking that the thread was supposed to be about. It’s okay if it has nothing at all to do with this OP.

See how little you can share that has anything to do with these comments.

Maybe just answer this question: do you find SDMB people to be attentive?


Panic stricken


I’m sorry. I thought this was about something else. Please disregard this entire post.

I have disregarded your entire post, which reads “I’m sorry. I thought this was about something else. Please disregard this entire post.”


So this is a needle-pulling thread?

It’s tea with jam and bread.


A deer?

That scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where Belloq is talking to Indy and a fly goes into his mouth.

The frontispiece is nothing like a codpiece but bears more of a resemblance to a mantelpiece.

What, no kitty pictures?

Christmas is coming . . . . .

I disagree

I just don’t think that shipping puppies is really an appropriate task for the USPS. There, I said it.


Ponsonby Britt

Frostbite Falls Foistboinder Company