A Festivus MMP For The Rest Of Us

Less than a week till Festivus. Anybody need to air some grievances? Or do you just want to eat meatloaf, and admire my pole?:smiley:

*OK, just with Flytrap:wink:


What about the feats of strength?

Second! Because there must be juvenility!

Doggio, that is a fine pole. I’m all ready for Festivus apart from a couple of odd jobs and some grocery shopping. I am so looking forward to a nice long break from irk though :slight_smile:

Up, caffeinated ,and sheveled. Off to work. I’ll be back home at midnight.

are you volunteering to wrestle the Head of the Household?

You want some grievances?? I’ll give you some grievances! Damned alarm went off too early. I was comfy and warm and not at all ready to get up. grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

It’ll be a short week followed by a long-ass drive to Ocala on Firday. I’ve got nothing against my inlaws except for their choice of where to live. Hate FL, hate I-95, hate spending all freekin’ day on the road. Ho ho ho.

Happy Moanday.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 63 Amurrkin out and rainy with a predicted high of 70 and rain/tstorms/apocalypse through mid-afternoon. We shall see. No matter as I need do some cave cleanin’. Tonight is men’s night over to the church house thus steaks are marinatin’ and beer is chillin’. I shall go early as per usual to set things up. That should be enough to keep me out of trouble today. Maybe.

Now I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants sustenance. Then, onward into the day!

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Mornin’ all.

It’s :eek: N.O.S :eek: here today, which has confused me; I was planning on finishing off some course irk, then treating myself to a cinema trip in the evening as a reward for doing the boring stuff. Problem is, it’s far too nice out there to spend the day in here irking and, checking the forecast, it’s the only dry day expected this week.

Guess I’ll find something to do outside then!

**swampy **- what happens at men’s night? Do you all sit around scratching and burping and telling fart jokes? :wink:

I’m just too darn tired today, not a happy way to start the week. The teenager and I had a huge argument last night, ugh! I try not to go to bed upset, but I think we both did, now we’re both paying for it today, but we seem to have called a truce. Happy Monday!

Blurf. After a weekend of sleeping in and staying up till near midnight, woke up at 6am. I foresee nappage in my future.

No grievance but one grouch; forgot to punch the button in my car to shut down the engine (keys stay in your pocket with this car), so engine ran 6 hours for nothing. Not amused by car or what passes for my mind these days.

Warmer (60’s F) due for the week, but rain is also forecast for most of it. Probably will do my Xmas shopping today, all of it is gift cards so won’t exactly weigh me down.

Been up since 5. Another lovely day. Out of excuses now and time to do some more irk studying for this week’ refresher training.

Grievance? I’ll give you a grievance! Discovered I’d screwed up the administrivia for my work schedule for January. Might have cost myself a passel of hassle and no small stack of money to boot. Once the offices in the Midwest open up I’ll try to beg forgiveness and see if there’s room for a do-over. One is *not *amused this morning.

Grievances? I made the first monthly payment on my new Health Insurance plan this weekend. Up 25% over last year. I got a lot of problems with you people at Anthem!!

I suspect that steak, beer and cigars are involved.

Festivus is Saturday, the 23rd. I must get my aluminium (Br. spelling) pole out of the crawl space.

Nothing new here except I have no work. Guess I’ll have to amuse myself some other way.

What kind of surgery did our Sunny have? Over on CS, she’s talking about baking a pecan pie…

I’m taking this. It’s a great line. Not entirely true in my case, but a great line. :smiley:

WetOne L4-L5 spinal fusion. I’m staying with my mom, who is spoiling me. :smiley: My aunt is coming in a few days, so we are making her a pie. In this case, it means I am doing internet research on my great-grandmother’s recipe, and my mom is baking it. HO HO HO

Isn’t a Mumper having sinus surgery? Or perhaps I’m confuzzled.

I spiffed da cave and have since achieved nappage. 'Tis dreary and rainy out so nappage was the obvious choice.

MOOOOOOM we grill steaks (duh!) or whatever hunk o’ animal flesh one decides, we eat sausages (the appetizer), we drink beer or whatever other beverage one prefers, we even have a non-alcoholic alternative usually iced tea or lemonade, and solve the problems of the world. If we can ever get anyone to listen to us the world will be all unicorns, fluffy puppies and fluffy kittens, and cotton candy clouds.

Butters is havin’ sinus surgery soon.

Well, Christmas shopping is complete, gift cards are the most wonderful invention for bachelors since forever, I (1) Took out a bunch of money from the bank, (2) Went to three places and traded money for plastic cards and (3) used what I had left to go to lunch. Can’t get better than that.

They still haven’t gotten my check in Toronto yet for the 2018 vacation, mailed it 10 days ago, but they agreed to wait until Thorsday and if it hasn’t arrived, I’m to write a new check and .pdf it to them, they can apparently bank that. I’m reluctant to give out that type of info by e-mail, but sounds like it’s a regular thing for them, so…

Otherwise all is well.

::Checks OP time:: You really wanted this one, didn’t you dogster? As for me, I hate, hate, hated Seinfeld. Dumbest show evah (at least until the Bachelor/ette came along). Doesn’t Michael Richards know how to knock? :mad:

So you’re Men’s night is composed exclusively of 8 yo girls? :confused:

Spidey- bwahahahahaha!!! That’s even funnier than my vision of scratching and belching and farting! :smiley:

Day is winding down - yay! I’ve gotten a lot done and my brain is nearly fried. Now I just need to decide what we’ll have for supper. Plus I need to remember to stop at CVS on the way home for my drugs.