A Happy Memorial Day Or It's Just Another Moanday MMP

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 61 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 89 and maybe mostly N.O.S. for the day. Or not. TWPTB are bein’ willy-nilly again. Today will be a day of sloth with probably some quality cee-mint pond time. Sup shall be chili/cheese/onion/slaw dawgs and fries. Fartfest to follow.

So, non-retired Amurrkin Mumpers either have the day off as a holiday, or not. This is the official start of Summer in the USofA, thus, happy start of Summer! Non-Amurrkin Mumpers, well, it’s just another Moanday, I suppose. Whatever today is to you, enjoy!

Hijack away!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Memorial Day/Moanday Y’all!

Woke early, played some tablet games, then showered, dressed, and tended to the critters. I’m breakfasting before treading the mill. I remembered that tomorrow, we get our new water heater and I need to clear that corner of the studio so the plumbers can plumb. I should probably clear a path to the circuit breaker box, too, so they can kill power to the water heater. And with luck, that will be the last of dealing with workers/service folk for a while.

I need to paint at least 2 sections of the mid-wall trim today. FCD is going to cut/fill in the spots where we had removed some of the trip, and when he gets that done, I can paint it all. I was going to work on the ceiling, but it’s really more important at the moment to finish the walls so I can set furniture and be done with it.

And I was thinking about moving the play area to the other side of the basement, leaving a space for a pool table, should we get one… Plus I need to pull some weeds and move some plants. Busy day ahead.

Happy Memorial Day and Happy Moanday, all!

Morning all on this Memorial Day. Looking nice with a high of 82F and no rain in the forecast. Planning on doing shopping later this morning and getting my Jersey Mike’s Moanday sub sammich, but outside of that nothing much planned. Up at 6am, so nappage is a real possibility later.

FCM, kinda glad I don’t have a basement, all that painting and moving is tiring me out all the way down here in Ali-bama…

I have tread the mill and I was watching a really interesting program on Prime about building a 13th century castle using only the tools and materials that would be used at the time. It fed my engineering soul! :rofl:

Once I cool down a bit, I’m going to paint a section of trim, then move Roxy’s play area to the other side of the room. That should confuse her tomorrow! We bought furniture slides, so I can move the heavy pieces easily - all I need to do is lift the corners to slip the slides under and away I go!!

The sun is still shining - I need to open the windows soon. It was 48° when I got up but it’s headed to mid-70s, which is perfect open-the-windows weather. Now you need to quit distracting me - I have work to do!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Good morning one and all.

I have a day of quiet (read chores) before having to return to work. I plan to work on the bird feeding station area because I have plans. It’ll be a work in progress and will involve trips to the nursery and hardware stores, but I have a vision. I don’t think any of the store trips will happen today, but I know what I have in mind.

Most of my indoor chores are complete. I took care of them on Friday before Zoe arrived for the weekend. I have a load or two of laundry, but that’s about it which allows me to just concentrate on the outdoor chores.

I plan to enjoy today as much as possible.

:astonished: I have been remiss! :astonished:



Thank you swampy. I have had 3 days of birthday celebrations so today I am hanging around the house watching Roland Garros tennis. I have candy and cookies to apply to my hips in celebration. I am still employed but have the upcoming week off. Next year I will celebrate my birthday in York, England.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off today. I guess I shall sloth.
Happy Memorial Day to the Americans.
Happy Summer Bank holiday to Nut and Boofae!
Happy(?) last Monday of the month to the rest of the Earth’s Mumpers.

“Haveth thou assembled the workers to build my castle?”
“All peasant and accounted for, sire.”


Happy Memorial Day, and Thank You to all who served. Love you, Dad.

My very efficient alarm clock rousted me out of bed way too early this morning. I kept telling her that this was still part of my 4-day weekend, but Pixel would have none of it. Tomorrow starts 2 weeks of Finals and then this School Year From Hell will be over! Can’t wait to go back in full session in August. Barring some mutant UK/Indian variant that will either kill us all or give us super-powers.

The weather has finally warmed enough that the peppers are going gang-busters. Jalapeño, habanero, Anaheim, mole, hot Portugal, Floral Gem and a couple of others are all fruiting mightily. It’s salsa season! I hope the tomatoes can keep up. Plans for the day are to veg, then sloth for a while before picking up Paul for our weekly beer session. Looks like a nice day, so Hanger 24 and alt on the patio will be the plan. No idea what I’m going to eat today but the house is not lacking for foodstuffs. Just need to make up my mind (Mom always said if you can’t decide what to eat, you aren’t really hungry.)

Enjoy the holiday, those who have it off. A fair wind, a willing foe and sea room to those who must labor this day.

Forecast today is for 105F (41C). DO. NOT. WANT.

Other than getting nails prettified soon, just the usual last-day-of-weekend chores (laundry and such), then we get to find out how nutso Hades Annex is going to be with no grandboss.

Morning, all, sorry I haven’t poked my head in for awhile. The end of tax season was a zoo. I do have the holiday off today, so I slept in. Getting ready to have some brunch delivered al’a Doordash , then I’ll get a few cleaning/chores done and play with my rats for a bit, (you wouldn’t believe how big they are getting. I may have to post pictures) Later, we’re going over to Mom & Daddy’s for a cookout dinner … making a mixed berry trifle for dessert.


One of My favorite quotes from Rilla of Ingleside:

Let us drink," he said, “to the silent army—to the boys who followed when the Piper summoned. ‘For our tomorrow they gave their today’—theirs is the victory!” Happy Memorial Day

: sneaks over, picks a peck of peppers :

105? :open_mouth: Hope Hades Annex has good A/C

: tacklehug :

Thankfully, I am free today. The AC at Hades Annex is great in winter…

The “OMG, what’s next?” starts tomorrow.

Afternoon, mumpers! Happy Memorial Day to you lot over there, and happy Bank Holiday to us over here. And thus, Happy Moanday to the rest of you!

Happy birthday, Wetone

We trekked up to Blackpool yesterday to go and see a couple of bands in a pub. It was a great afternoon/evening, met up with friends we’ve not seen since last September, watched real people playing live music indoors, and had the chance to go and look at the sea (and have seaside ice cream!) too. I’m back home now, the cats have survived just over 24hrs alone in the house together - we left enough food for about 3 days, and they’ve worked through a chunk of it. Peeing and pooing has been done in the appropriate places, and nobody’s showing signs of injury. I consider that a success.

I completely forgot it was actually Monday and I’m expected to trek to campus tomorrow. After sorting out the cats, unpacking stuff and having a restorative cuppa after the drive home, I made something for tomorrow’s lunch and I’ll leave overnight oats in the fridge so they’re ready for breakfast. Now I suppose I’ll have to go and do an hour’s exercise to start working off the weekend gluttony :slight_smile:

24petwatch used to have pets’ birthdays on their website, but I couldn’t find it; so I sent them a message yesterday. They replied just now:

According to our records, Tonka’s birthday was on November 6th of 2003, making him 17 years old and 6 months.

Happy monday, all!! I tried to go to the driving range, but they’re not letting people use it on mondays…some crap about having to mow the grass. Alas. I guess I shall start slothing earlier.

But not until after I do something with the elderly canned things in the cupboard. A post in, I think it was Cafe Society about tomato sauce pushed me to check on mine. The tomatoes I canned (why is it called canning when they are in Ball jars?) were behind some rhubarb jam labeled as 2011!!

Cats are easy like that. I suspect they’re bored and sleep mostly. They are never very excited to see me when I come back home as long as the food bowls still have some crunchies in them…

Happy Birthday WetOne! :birthday: :partying_face: :boom: :dizzy: :tada: :confetti_ball: :gift:

silenus tell me about your Pixel! I have a Pixel. He is a smol rescue chihuahua, so “Pixel”.

Nettie 105F here too! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Pearl! Good to see you. Yes, please. Would like rat pictures.

BooFae it sounds like an excellent weekend indeed.

flyboy wow. Happy Belated Birthday to Tonka. If I recall correctly, when you adopted him he wasn’t expected to live very long. I’m glad he proved them wrong. {{{hugs}}} to you all.

Today, like yesterday, I shall spend the time trying to avoid the heat. I had extremely bad nightmares, which I shan’t share because I fairly certain you would all get nightmares yourselves.

For the movie-lovers, “Army of the Dead” is, in fact, a zombie movie. I was hoping for more heist and humor, but it’s a Very Serious Synder movie. If’n you feel like a zombie movie, I recommend it. I did end up rooting for the zombies, so there’s that.

Harking back to the last MMP:

Sunny wondered if teenagers eat spoons. Look for them under their beds. Don’t ask me how I know this.

Red was surprised that bloodhounds are big. We have new neighbors across the street with 2 female bloodhounds. Yes they’re big, and loud, and sweethearts.

Happy Birthday Wetone!

Good for Tonka, Flyboy.

Whoever it was who predicted 100f this week was pretty much wrong, although it looks like we’ll break 90, so there’s that.

Well, Wifey needs this computer for work, so I’ll have to vacate for now. Happy Whatever day, everybody.

I’d hoped Tonka would rally, having eaten at least a little. But Mrs. L.A. says he’s too skinny and he’s miserable. He still goes to his outside water bowl, and it’s painful to watch him stumble around in his blindness on hind legs that are starting to sag. The vet told me a month or so ago that when he goes down at the hind legs, it’s time. Mrs. L.A. says it’s time. It looks like Thursday will be his last day. :cry: