A Picture MMP {My First MMP}

I am back from Cancun and the company boondoggle! I know everyone missed me. I started reading last weeks MMP on Saturday but couldn’t get caught up.

I came back with a broken toe and a nasty head cold but it was great.

No piccies of me I am afraid - I would break the internet if I did that

I don’t have any recent pics online, so I am subsituting one on the Snakes website - scroll to the third pic from the bottom. I’m next to the very handsome guy in the brown leather jacket, who just happens to be Mr. SCL.

We have some fine lookin’ MMPer’s, don’t we? SpecialOne, you’re safe because I swore off redheaded men years ago. Damn it.

I am off work today. Good.

Evening all. I will have to get Dad to email me a baby pic, but here is a pic of me from last New Year’s Eve (about 6 months pregnant at the time).

Today was pure hell. Noor woke me up every 15-20 minutes from 3:30am onwards, before I finally conceded defeat just before 6am. Dropped HRH off at MIL’s house then trudged off to work. Then I get a call at 11:30am from hubby, saying “I’m in ICU at XYZ Hospital. Please tell the cardiologist I don’t care that my heart is in atrial fibrillation and is otherwise racing at 160 beats per minute - I want to go home”. WTF’inF??? :eek: You’re 34 years old, how can you have heart problems? It took until nearly 4pm before they got his heart rate down below 100bpm, and he had quite a few bouts of sinus tachycardia in the mean time. I don’t pretend to know what it all means, although apparently atrial fibrillation means the electrical impulses in the heart are misfiring, causing the heart to shiver instead of pump. I came home to get Noor, as she had a 4:30pm doctor’s appointment (to sort out the damn medication - refer previous MMP), then raced her back to the other (distant) hospital clinic, where they farted around and kept me waiting at the cashier for 15 minutes (holding a squirming 10kg/22lb baby) before finally getting in to see the doc. We then went back to XYZ hospital to see hubby, who had decided he didn’t want to stay in overnight for observation, and discharged himself “against medical advice”. Sigh! By the time we navigated through the peak hour evening traffic and got home, it was nearly 7pm and Noor was cranky as hell. Thank Og she finished her milk and went straight down!

Anyway, I will be keeping a close eye on hubby tonight - they have him on an antiarrhythmic medication for the next couple of weeks, with a follow-up appointment next Saturday. Double sigh …

So, how was your Monday?

I don’t have any pictures of me when I was young. I could get them from my mother, but I don’t really want to go there. I may have a photo album somewhere, I’ll see if I can find it tonight and scan some pictures. I’m pretty sure that has the one with me dressed up as a Pilgrim, which would be appropriate.

I was just going to swatch a bit last night, but I ended up starting the project. It’s a shawl called Feathers. It’s going to be gorgeous, but I think it will be too small for me. It’s a fun knit, though, so I should finish it up fairly quickly. I expect to get some prime knitting time in at work tomorrow and Wednesday.

ETA: My goodness, Dotty! I hope everything stays calm tonight.

Ick dotty! Prayers and good thoughts headed out to hubby.

ems we must hear all about the broken toe. You know it’s all important to go into minute detail about injuries.

We do got us some good lookin’ Mumpers don’t we?

Ok, I found my high school senior picture. Don’t say you were not warned. I was a teenaged werewolf. Whaddya want from 1972! :stuck_out_tongue:




Yes, but my heart is in it only if they **really **look good :slight_smile:

Takes one to know one, eh? :slight_smile: and yes, damn it is right… “safe?” Safety is for wusses… :wink:

**Rigs **-- that’s my daughter.

**Dotty **-- this merits a separate post…

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

My thoughts are with your husband and you… I hope he gets over this soon!

Dotty, the atria are the 2 chambers of the heart that collect the blood coming in, the ventricula are the ones that do the heavy work of pumping it out. Fibrillation basically means that the muscle is quivering instead of beating.

Atrial fibrillation is serious because it means there’s something wrong with the electrical network that generate pulses, but it in and of itself won’t kill you. When the ventricles start to fibrillate, you assume room temperature quickly.

Keep after him to take his meds and see the cardiologist.

{{{Dotty}}} for you.

Dotty, prayers headed out for the husband. Cripes.
ems, we need the story.

Bob, you are right to still be pissed off. That’s an idiotic decision to do a halfway job.

I am home sans necessary paperwork. Oh, no, we don’t keep employee records here anymore, I’ll just contact you if I ever get ahold of the office we outsource to and find out where they’ve sent yours. Don’t worry, we should eventually be able to find out. The Office Guy is new, and I have no confidence in him, so I phoned the boss’s wife (who used to do all the accounting about until six months ago) and left a message asking for information about how to get this fast.

I don’t understand not keeping employee files at head office. Payroll, sure, but the records of your employees? I would really, really like this resolved, particularly because of the damned 28-day money-holding pertiod. Which starts from whenever I get my application finished.

Which won’t be until I’ve got my damned record. Which, if they’ve got to recopy and resend, or wait for next pay period, could be a month after the beginning of December. Two months after I stopped working. Wait, plus five days in the mail.


{{{Dotty}}} That’s so scary! Hope they figure out what’s wrong.

No baby pix here. KeithT was just asking about those the other day so we’re going to have to look at them while visiting parents for Christmas. And only wedding pix available online, which are kinda dull after the 15th time dragging them out.

Things are crazy here. We picked out the granite countertops, the cabinets, the laminate flooring, the carpet, and the wall color for our townhouse-to-be yesterday, which was a lot of fun. And we started looking at furniture. Today I have to go grocery shopping after work because for some insane reason I told KeithT’s family last week that I’d bring the cheesecake for T-day. What was I thinking?? So I have to buy stuff for that tonight and then bake it tomorrow. Ugh.

Saturday morning I was looking at the available ingredients in our house and got to wondering if sweet potatoes make good soup. So KeithT looked up recipes and made a really super yummy sweet potato chowder for dinner. (No recipe, just general instructions: Cut up bacon and cook. Remove bacon but leave drippings in pan. Add flour to make roux. Cook for a couple minutes. Add onion and garlic. Cook. Add chicken stock and bring to a boil. Add sweet potatoes (we did 1 big one) and white potato (we did 1 med russet). Cook until tender. We tossed in some leftover chicken at this point although I don’t think it’d be strictly necessary. Add some milk. Allow to heat through. Serve with the little pieces of bacon on top. With fresh, homemade bread. The bread was my contribution.) It made a really really nice, hearty, wintery sort of dinner.

Shadow, I’ve been meaning to tell you - I borrowed The Happiness Hypothesis from the library on your recommendation. (At least I think it was you… if I’m wrong and it was someone else here, I apologize.) I’m really really enjoying it and am recommending it to others. So thanks for the suggestion. Oh and also, I’m working on a scarf with the wool yarn you gave me. It’s looking really pretty, although I’ve got a long way to go! It’s amazing how much longer it takes when using size 8 needles instead of 10. It doesn’t seem like that big a change, but it really is!

Yikes, Dotty! I hope all turns out well. Thoughts and prayers headed you guys’ way!

I am bored out of my MIND with the work I have today. Is it bedtime yet? Right now the thought of just going to sleep and not waking up till tomorrow sounds far, far more interesting than what I have going on.

Am I first on page 2, perchance?

ETA: Yay, I am! Finally, something good happens today. :rolleyes:

Dotty your night should be about half over by now. I hope all is well with y’all.

Bob I’m amazed how none of your fires are reported up here in the daily rag. The only NC firefighter related story I see today for this weekend is P-Tank County and the height of buildings to match the height of ladders.

And this is me mere moments ago. (Red’s not my best color - I keep looking over my shoulder to see if something is there to kill me.) I’ll dig up a picture of the various versions of me from the past in the near future.

Sorry for complaining so much.
Now, do I want to make more nut brittle, chocolate truffles, chocolate peppermint bark, or oreo truffles? Or attempt caramel? And what kind of candy can I make with all the coconut I’ve got? If I can get coconut flavouring, it might be good added to the oreo truffles (grind up package of oreos with cream cheese, roll into balls. Freeze. Dip in chocolate. Eat until you die).

Caramel is yummy. Coconut is eveeeeeeel!!! Just sayin’

Oh, and BTW **Rigs **-- you may have attempted to distract us with a purposefully twisted picture, but I remember the one you posted last week :slight_smile: So, how you doin’? :wink:

:: blush :: Thank you. :slight_smile: Argent Towers, I’d say, “How you doin’?” 'cept I noticed you are already taken. All the good ones are. Heh. rigs, your kiddie pic is really cute.

Dotty, I hope your husband is okay. What a way to start the week!

LiLi, if I could choose my manner of death, death by oreo truffles sounds as good as any.

Dotty, my thoughts are with you and your husband! That is so scary!!

Lili, that sounds so frustrating!!! I can only imagine.

We need a several hundred acre forest fire or the fiery death of Air Force One to make the paper north of the border. :rolleyes:

Making chocolate peppermint bark (melt chocolate, spread in pan. Cool down. Blitz some peppermint candy to rubble, melt some white chocolate, spread on dark chocolate and cover with peppermints).

I think a large part of my frustration stems from the fact that I’ve already been waiting two weeks- I was told by the website to apply immediately, so I tried to, and now I’ve been in limbo, unable to to complete everything, for fourteen days. When I’d hoped that in two weeks I’d start receiving a nice maternity leave paycheque. And I won’t for at least a month more. Probably after Christmas.


It’s certainly made Christmas gift planning easier. Everyone is getting candy and baked goods (assuming my oven gets fixed) because I can’t afford anything else. Like Bob’s Christmas last year, when he gave everyone his nuts. (snerk)

The oreo truffle mix would make a very dangerous, probably amazing cake filling, if lightened with a little whipped cream. Hmm.

Snerk away there, Toots. I’m up to 25 gallons unshelled this season, and my tree isn’t half down yet. Last year I picked 40 gallons, and cleaned 35 of them. It appears last year was the down season (peecans grow in two year cycles of low and high yield), and this year I’ll be like Swampy: up to my chin in nuts.

:eek: :wink:

I’ve assembled a variety of pics - sorry the baby pic is so teeny - I think I uploaded it from my old Toshiba when I was still living in Jax, and that computer is in the basement storage room right now.

Today was so incredibly boring, I decided I’m not going back to work for the rest of the week. I’ve got plenty of leave on the books, so there ya go! If I don’t get distracted by something shiny, I plan to tidy the house and pay some bills, and maybe even go outside and vac/mulch some leaves. We shall see.

swampy, your pic looks almost like it could have been right out of my yearbook (yay, Class of '72) except all our guys had to wear identical fake tuxedos, just like all of the girls wore the fake velvet “gowns.”

Welcome to all our new visitors - do get comfy and feel free to hang around. This is kinda like a secret club except we let everyone join. We’re continuing the tradition begun by the legendary and no-longer-posting Rue DeDay, who would begin Mondays with either a wrap up of his weekend adventures or a tale to entertain and educate or just assorted miscellany. And that’s just what we do here.

'Cept now you hafta send me love offerings of fine chocolates or the MMPolice will come to your house and light a flaming bag of poo on your porch, then **Bobbio ** will be awakened in the middle of the night, and trust me, you don’t want a cranky **Bobbio ** showing up to extinguish your flaming poo. So just send the chocolates and no one will get hurt. :smiley:

Happy Monday, and Happy Birthday, MMP!!