A Pit thread for Asahi

Hey trolls, stop being trolls, will ya?

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to @asahi. I’m sorry I ever rolled my eyes at your cries of ‘DOOM’, at what others called your being Chicken Little. I’m sorry I ever scoffed at theories you put forth or scenarios you declared would come to pass.

Like any good conspiracy theorist, my mind (via my subconscious, okay, it was a dream) today put together dozens if not hundreds of puzzle pieces, and I am actually disturbed at the plausibility. My waking mind is busy trying to shake it off, but nonetheless I’ve spent the past little while typing out some of the puzzle pieces, how I think they’re connected, and what I imagine it’s all leading to.

But that’s how conspiracy theories are born, you’d say, and you’d be right. Anybody can weave some data into any scenario; doesn’t make it true, or mean that it will actually come to pass. I know, too, that dreams can convey emotions as well as providing information in other ways; I’m still affected by those emotions at the moment.

I won’t elaborate the details of my new CT; I know it’d likely be torn to shreds (and deservedly so!) by those with clearer heads. The vast majority of you here see things so much more clearly than I, and articulate your points very well.

My point here, again, is to apologize to asahi. I beheld a very bad future, extrapolated from past and current events, and real or not, it shook me. I think I feel what it’s like to stand in your shoes. Keep shouting; I’m now listening more than I was.


I was vilified in this thread for saying what turns out to be common sense: death → fear → change in behavior.

I’ve got the “cites”.

People can talk all the shit they want. When they’re burying their loved ones right and left, they get it. They finally fucking figure it out. I’m sorry that I wasn’t very fucking PC way back when, when you all were telling me that I was a sociopath for hoping that people died by the dozens, but you all fucking missed the point - just like you fucking missed the point when I warned you that Mueller wasn’t going to save the republic. I’m sorry that I repeatedly see things you don’t see, understand things you don’t understand.

Actually, on second thought, I’m not sorry.

Let’s not forget the pandemic is all about you.

So what was the point you were trying to make with this reply?

Going by your own snip. I think it’s more likely you were villified because you “wanted” death to be the means by which people change their behavior.


I wanted them to wear masks and to respect the fact the others needed to wear masks. It’s not wrong to wish/hope that they die.

The fear of death motivated the unvaccinated.

Yes, it is. Wishing other people die is very high on my list of the most wrong things to wish for.


Are wishing for ponies ok?:horse: :rainbow:

So, a rape victim wishing her rapist would die while he was in the process of violating her, “most wrong”?
A slave wishing his master would die as that master was flogging him, “most wrong”?
A Jew wishing all the SS would just die while being led to the showers in 1944, “most wrong”?

All of those wishes are “wishing other people die”, so yes. I don’t think the circumstances you describe make it any less wrong to wish another person dead.

You can kill a rapist / Nazi / etc in self defense, and be justified if it is truly necessary. Which isn’t a given from your words. But to actively wish for their death, not out of necessity but vengeance, is a step too far.


I would add a movie viewer forced to watch yet another Twilight sequel.

I’m so happy that you’re happy that you got almost everything you wanted!

To quote Nietzsche,
“Battle not with conservatives, lest ye become asahi.


Actually, I don’t agree, but that’s a different discussion.

I don’t see wishes as anything like as morally fraught as you seem to, clearly.

I didn’t say anything about vengeance.

Fuck off.

Hey, I didnt get a wish him dead outta that guy!!

I just want to clarify my anger with asahi.

Since Covid started I’ve been hospitalized twice. I spent 34 days as an inpatient, in fucking New Jersey. And it really tells you something about the reality of what was going on when your doctor is wearing three masks and a full face shield and the guy from respiratory isn’t wearing a mask, he’s wearing a fucking full fucking face fucking industrial fucking respirator.

Now, not that that wasn’t bad enough, I was hospitalized because I have a condition that might result in me going into respiratory arrest. Ya know, be intubated and on a ventilator or be dead. I called 911 and went to the ER because I was losing the ability to breathe. Even if your brilliant plan didn’t result in the healthcare system collapsing it did put me at a very serious risk that if things had gone bad for me the doctors would have had little choice but to tell me ‘I’m sorry… we don’t have any ventilators left…’.

And, there’s no way around this, you were cool with me dying as long as it stuck it to the people you hate.

You’re a monster asahi . . . and it’s sad.

It took Sam Stone 14 days to resurrect his pit thread, Asahi needed the attention after a mere 11 days.

Meanwhile, 20 years on, I haven’t even been pitted yet. Screw you guys, I’m going home. :yum:

As long as they’re not dead ponies.


Me neither. Maybe we should pit each other.

I got vaccinated. I wear masks. I’m responsible. It’s the people who aren’t that are the problem. I think I’ve repeatedly made clear across multiple threads my disgust with the fact that irresponsible people are killing those who are being responsible. I’m sorry for your situation, but you’re pointing your outrage in the wrong direction.