A question for bicycling beer drinkers

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

I like drinking pure water, not because of the taste, but because of the sensation and the thirst-quenching and it’s good for me. Water shouldn’t have a taste (other than tasting like water). I’m aware that there are people who don’t like to drink water, at least not without adding some flavoring to it, but that’s not me.

Similarly, under the right cercumstances (i.e. the beer is cold and I am thirsty and I welcome or at least don’t mind getting a little buzzed), I’ll gladly drink a beer that doesn’t have a strong taste to it. It’s better than beer that has a taste that I don’t like. As another current thread says, some people don’t like the taste of beer. I like the taste of some beer, but not all.