Ok, recently I posted this question to another message board I’m on. The folks there woirried too much about the scary implications of the question rather than it’s intednd fun nature so I thought that I’d bring it to the anime fans amongst the Teeming Millions.
So the Hollywood powers that be have dictated that there should be a live action movie based on an anime. It has fallen to you, for some inexplicable reason, to choose which anime is produced in all it’s live action glory. So which anime do you think would make the best live action film? And, Who would you get to star in it?
My vote is for a Lupin III Movie
Lupin: Adam Sandler (He get’s NO creative control.)
Fujiko: I can’t decide. Some beautiful Holywood actress.
Jigen: Chen Chang (Lo from “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”)
Goemon: Zenigata: Ed Harris
Super Villian: Patrick Stewart
Spike Spiegal: Johnny Depp or Benecio del Toro
Jet Black: Jean Reno
Faye Valentine: Ziyi Zhang (Jen from CTHD) or maybe Penelope Cruz
Ed: Absolutely No Clue (ARE there any decent 12-15 year old actesses out there? I sure can’t think of any.)
Viscious: Vincent D’Onofrio
Julia: Nicole Kidman
I would also love to see a live-action Utena movie, but am at an utter loss on how to cast it.
Ugh. Was there any good Anime to Live Action conversionsmade before that were good? Only recent memory of such was “The Guyver” and it sucked Donkey…well you know the rest.
I would lke to see Golgo 13, Ghost In The Shell and prehaps Gundam Wing. But some Anime shoud just stay Anime,because making it live action would make too much in the speical effects department and none in the acting department.(AKA Dragonball Z)
Another queston. Leave as a Japanese storyline or Americanize it? I know that happened with Video Games back in the day (Ramma 1/2 into “Tuff Enugh” comes to mind.)
Golgo 13 would be sweet. You could get a a young Steve Mcqueen look-a-like to play the part of the lead role. And as far as americanizing it or leaving it the same. It doesn;t really matter, they will americanize it anyway, they always do on imported media. I prefer Japanese story lines.
For some reason, I can picture Dwight Schultz as being a good actor to play the unusually skilled freelance surgeon. He has just the right amount of fluid movement and energy in his actions and voice for it.
I’d also have to second Cowboy Bebop. Awesome anime.
I would love to see the Trigun series as a live movie. I’m really not sure why, other than the fact that it’s really good in anime form, but 26 episodes aren’t enough.
Unfortunatly, I couldn’t think of anyone that could play the characters.
The kid that was in the Patriot and now in the new movie about jousting knights kind of looks the part of Vash, but he can’t act, so that does no good. Maybe Ed Norton as Wolfwood to make sure at least one good actor is in it.
The other isn’t really an anime, and I only have one reason for it. If you’ve ever seen the David Lynch version of Dune, you would have seen a scene where Faid Rutha comes out of some…foggy pod thing. If you could transport Sting from that time and with him in that shape, he would be perfect as:
Cloud from Final Fantasy 7. Same hair, some look - well, aside from the humongus head.
You could then get Jennifer Love Hewett to play Tifa, providing she gets some…augmentation in the chest area. Ok, I’m kidding.
I’ll third Cowboy Bebop (one of my favourite animes), and arisu’s casting is great, except for Vicious. Donofrio just doesn’t seem quite slick enough. Maybe give the Spike to Benicio and have Depp play Viscious, or vice versa. Actually, Depp as Spike and Benicio as Viscious would be pretty cool.
Jean Reno is the perfect actor to play Jet, though.
As long as it didn’t turn out as badly as the live version of Fist of the North Star. The live version was just…such a bad movie.