A rant to the 'other' grandmother.

Hey you fucking narcissistic bitch…your daughter had your first grandchild two weeks ago, and would really love it if you actually noticed!

Yes, we know that you were miffed when she suggested selling the house SHE owns (that you live in rent-free) a few months back, but get the fuck over yourself…you have a grandchild, bitch.

Visiting once in hospital, and only ONCE since she’s been home…and you live five minutes away?? Your only daughter is tired and sore and needs her fucking MOTHER to step up and give her some support…even just a couple of hours a day to give her space to have a shower and a nap…but no, you’re too full of yourself to put yourself out.

My god, I watched as your daughter wept tears of tiredness today. I work full time (and live 2hrs away) but still heard the pleas (from my son, daddy) this morning, so I was in the car and driving as soon as I was dressed. I lost wages and it cost me $ but it was literally my PLEASURE!! Shit, how often to you get freebie babby-snuggles, farts and shits, when the mum isn’t looking over your shoulder? (Mamma was having a glorious shower and a much-needed sleep)

But you?

You are a piece of shit grandma. May you rot alongside your narcissistic ego.

Sorry your daughter in law has one of “those” mothers. All my best to the new parents

Oh yeah, one of ‘those’ mothers :smiley:

But the grand-babby is just grouse, and doing fine. He still looks like a baby gorilla (sans hair) but I’m sure he’ll grow into being a normal homo-sapien in the next few weeks.

THIS Nanna is proud as punch. :slight_smile:

Yay for Real Nana’s !

Your DIL is probaby better off this way. Even if such moms try to help, their help is never worth it. Could you, maybe, help the couple to get some help nearby? A babysitter perhaps? You could ask for recommendations by asking parents in your neighborhood if they know anyone. Gettting some hours a week to yourself, is vital to new parent’s health.

Wow, grandma’s a sack of shit because she refuses to play babysitter? Sorry, that doesn’t give the daughter any ownership rights over grandma’s time. If she wasn’t prepared to care for it with her own resources, she shouldn’t have had it.

Hahahahaha! Holy shit. :smiley:

Yeah, fuck functioning, loving families, amirite?

Let’s throw her from the train!

Children are disease vectors.

…and they come out of your vagina and ruin your life.

I think most new grandmothers tend to help out with new mothers and their babies. They know how stressful and scary it is, with this screaming thing you can’t figure out how to calm down. Add in the pain of delivery, the recovery, and the sleeplessness and sore nipples from breastfeeding. Plus grandmothers get to nuzzle new babies while Mom gets to run a comb through her hair and be able to eat a meal with silverware in both hands.

I’m sorry the DIL’s mom is missing out on this fantastic opportunity to bond, but it’s her loss.

Happy trolling day!

That’s true of all people, not only those lower than the bar at Alice’s Twirly Cups.

And everyone is entitled to think grandma is a sack of shit. So what was your point?

And I guess grandma should start supporting herself with her own resources, too, right???

My point is that not helping out being a grandma is not enough reason to get all outraged.

Actually, and somewhat ironically, it’s not really true of just-home-from-the-hospital newborns. They are pretty much less of a disease vector than they will ever be again.

Is there even one grandfather in this scenario?

She’s living in her daughter’s house rent-free and is pissed because her daughter is selling it, so she’s acting like a spoiled child. She deserves all the outrage anyone wants to give her. She’s probably jealous of the kid, too.

We’re not talking about taking the kid for a couple of hours so mom can go bar-hopping. We’re talking about helping a woman who just went through a major life change find her new normal.

Which she should have adequately prepared for ahead of time in a manner that did not assume using another person for free child care. Some people don’t like babies. New parents need to get over it and realize that crying machines that spew bodily waste are not everyone idea of a good time.