A Stormy MMP

It’s 3:30am PST, and no MMP yet? OK, OK, I’ll get it going.

As expected, woke up to wind and rain. A certain orange lunatic decided he HAD to go outside anyway.

Local schools have cancelled classes due to safety concerns and some campuses without power.

Looks like things are supposed to calm down a bit by noon, but there’s ONE day in the next ten (Thursday) that’s not being called as likely to rain. Rain is good, yes, but this much in this short a period is causing problems.

Take it away. :slight_smile:

Morning early risers. Colorado mountains here. 4:40 am mountain time. Supposed to be a nice day. Sunny breezy and warm with a high of 41 degrees.

Winter coming tomorrow and Wednesday. Naturally I have a contractor coming to install an engineered wood floor. The plan is to have them set up ‘shop’ on the deck. I’d rather not have a table saw and other saws set up in the house, but may do it anyway. We are no stranger to dust.

I think our rain is done for the day - I fell asleep to the sound of raindrops on the roof. The forecast shows we might even see sun. In fact, next precip is shown on Firday.

Not that it matters to me - I have no plans to go anywhere. No Tobias today, no need to go to the apartment, no groceries needed. I may finish my trashy novel today. We’ll see how the day goes.

Happy Moanday!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 48 Amurrkin out and mostly clear with a predicted high of 62 and N.O.S. for the day. The big item on today’s agenda is the cleanin’ lady comin’ this mornin’ to spiff da cave. Otherwise, it shall be the usual sloth and general overall uselessness. We have some bbq leftover from yestiddy, so bbq sammiches, coleslaw, and oven fries shall comprise sup.

Nettie glad to know y’all have not lost power. Stay safe.

enipla hope the contractor is able to lay the wood floor without too much of a mess.

shades from last week’s MMP, stay safe in the storm. May it not be a bad one and be over soonest.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Good morning.

It’s currently 41 with an expected high of 52 and possible rain showers this afternoon.

Nettie, I’m glad you still have power and that the storm fades away quickly.

The birthday celebration for my daughter was loud (two kids under five) but the dinner was good and it was nice seeing the kids and grandkids.

My daughter and son-in-law talked about how they hadn’t gotten much sleep lately because of my grandson and other factors. My husband turned around to me and asked if we had plans for this coming weekend, and I told him I did not but wanted to keep it that way. I’m tired and need some rest too. I fully empathize with the kids, but I need some downtime too. I’ve been running myself ragged and am just worn out.

Today will be a long day because the director has scheduled a meeting between me, her, the deputy, and the PIO to develop a strategic plan for our organization. She wants me there because of my prior experience with both business and strategic planning. I am not fully committed to this because, number one, there is no database for me to obtain the data I’d need to track, and number 2, I don’t have time to create a complete database and then hand jam data. All the data is available in various systems, and the process should be automated. The problem is that I don’t have access to these systems. I suggested we use the national dashboard as a starting point and see about getting me more permissions within the dashboard and the back-end data.

Honestly, I don’t have the capacity to take it on, especially since my new job description added more duties to my already full plate. I’d be working 15-hour days to keep up, and I’m just not going to do that. I have a life outside of work. As it is, I already exceed my nine-hour tour of duty almost every day. It’s rare for me to sign out on time.

I am just about done with my second cup of coffee. I am going to cruise the news sites for a bit and turn on the dishwasher.

I hope you all have a pleasant day.

Rain started in earnest last night and we’ve been having a steady, soaking downpour for hours. The forecast: rain, rain, and more rain for the next week and a half with a short break on Thursday. I’m in northern California, and we need this, of course, to make up for five years of drought. But nonstop soaking rain for days on end is going to cause trouble.

Now I’m going to turn on the news and see who got flooded out last night. Hope my commute doesn’t suck too bad this morning.

ETA: well, complete signal loss on Dish Network. Storm conditions, I assume. Have to look at local weather news on the internet.

Mornin’ all. I don’t know what the week will hold. The guy I’m working for now has a daughter with covid, and he’s recovering from it. And I need him to do things in order for me to be able to do things. Huzzah.

Stay safe and try to keep dry out there.

I rained on the way into work. Being a Moanday in January, I was out by 0715, and I was pretty much one of the last to leave.
Alex Catt helped herself to some of my cereal milk. She also licked a shredded wheat. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I watched a kid have a seizure this morning. From what I’ve heard, he has a history of them. His mom called 911 and he was carted off in an ambulance. Needless to say, I’m not feeling great this morning.

Good morning, everyone.

I wish the Dopers in the rainy areas the best! Flooding is horrible to deal with, as is every other thing that all that rain brings about! Be safe!

Not much is going on around here, today. Oh, I could vacuum, though. I FOR SURE need to do up the laundry. I need another cup of coffee, too. I should go get that. Soon.

Daughter goes back to work, tonight. Her surgeon gave her the ok, after fixing the incident she had, with the tendon she sliced, with her not-so-bright wielding of a machete. Good grief. Anyway, I’m glad she’s healed, and going back to work! Woohoo!

I took out some chicken tenders to thaw, yesterday. So, once I manage to yank out that little tendon (I swear, my life revolves around feckin’ tendons, these days!) from all of them, I’ll figure out what to do with them. I should figure out what to do with them first, though. Always something to slow me down. :wink:

We’ve got a cool temperature of 25F. It’ll be getting up to aroud 42F, later. That’s nice. It’s supposed to be mostly cloudy, though. Fine with me. Although, they lied, as always. It’s bright and sunny out there, currently.

I’ve been waiting for my tea, and my nuts to arrive. Via USPS.
(Because FedEx keeps sending my orders to the same address, in the town just north of me. Idiots.)
They send me messages, saying there’s a delay. Something about the reason being ‘carrier delays’. Whatever. Both of them, though? Good grief. You can’t buy good help, these days.

Ok. I need more coffee, then, I need to get the day underway.
Have a good one!

Seizures are scary. But there are meds to control them - here’s hoping the kid is seen by a neurologist who can help him.

I’ve emptied the freezer and I have a heater blowing hot air into it to melt the ice within. It’s just a small under-counter size freezer, so it shouldn’t take all that long, right??

I found a freezer-burned london broil in there - searching recopies to see how to save it. I’m thinking a marinade and low, slow roasting.

Blessed Day Off Work today. Heard the trash get picked up. Have consumed a toaster strudel. Am snuggling with Monkey. Will shortly return to bed.

Have funny vignettes to share. Must sleep now; will come back later.

Morning all. Nyquil, I found, is good for knocking one out for 8-9 hours so I am well rested and except for a nagging cough feel just fine. Drs. appointment at 2pm, mostly for questions revolving around my Far Southern trip, and may get a little more shopping in for some items I’ll need down there.

No rain until Tuesday here and temps the early part of the week will get to the 60’sF and stay pretty much above freezing. Hope all the soaked Mumpers out west get through it without any major problems.

*Godbod, yeah, watching some seize is scary, hope they get the proper medical care, like FCM says, most problems like that can be treated these days.

Nona you said…

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: What, she had a role in the new Indiana Jones movie or something! Hope the tea and nuts make it today.

VanGO, stay healthy.

Taters, think you were wise to ‘know your limitations’; now, don’t let the meeting end up with more “Taters can do it…”.

FCM, you deserve a day of rest. Hope things stay calm for you.

OK, need to finish the morning internetting and be about the day. Take care all.

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 6c/42f with no predicted change today, and cloudy. Weather app says “I’m sorry but the sky can’t fucking stand you today”. Well, that’s me told then!

Exams started today and we have had our first departmental exam and our first drama - one of the students had a panic attack and ran out of the exam venue. Fortunately she’s ok and will be going straight to our wellbeing officer for help. We have very few on-campus exams as the majority are still online papers so I’m hoping for a lot less drama for the rest of this week.

Taters you definitely need to keep reminding people that you are spread very thin already and you don’t have capacity to take on more work unless they will take something away instead.

metalmouse I am looking forward to pics from the upcoming trip! One of my friends has just come to the end of an Antarctic cruise and I’ve been extremely jealous of her pics. She got to follow penguins around!

Godbod seeing someone have a seizure can be scary if you don’ know what to do, hopefully if it happens again and you’re around, you’ll know how to help after you’ve called for the professionals :slight_smile:

VanGo stay in good health!

Right, time to go and deal with another crisis, one of the academics told me years ago that I should have gone for the quiet life and taken a job in disaster management.

The freezer is back together in a more or less organized fashion. The freezer burned meat is thawing in the fridge - don’t know if it will be ready to cook tomorrow or Wednesday.

Got an appointment for Higgs at the vet at 4. And I just finished another predictable trashy novel. It’s all good. Chillage continues.

Happy Moonday!

and once again, not so happy.

Lucy passed away this morning.
Not my dog but she was one of our pack, one of the founding members, the matriarch.
Her dad is heartbroken.
Well, everybody is heartbroken.

Lucy was the ‘invisible’ dog that was always off in the trees looking for squirrels. Many times her dad was asked why he was there if he didn’t have a dog. She was also the Great Pyrenees, Staffordshire Terrier, Australian Cattle Dog, Chihuahua mix. She weighed about 110 pounds.

Friday, she went to the vet with an upset tummy. She got antibiotics and put on a bland chicken and rice diet. She cried part of the night, and Saturday she couldn’t stand up. She was taken back to the vet and diagnosed with arthritis in her spine. She had no feeling in her hind legs. She was put on meds to reduce the inflammation and given a 10% chance of recovery. The vet said to give her 48 hours, and there was no improvement.
Today, her dad had to let her go.

It’s a sad day for our little group.

How sad. But she’s now beyond pain. Hugs to her dad.

That’s very sad, sari. I am sorry another good doggo had to go.

How sad, I am so sorry for Lucy Dad.

I’m in Sacramento myself (see my weather-related posts for last week). I’ve been fortunate enough to not have utility troubles, DH has still been able to drive to work, and we’re not seeing flooding issues in our neighborhood (lots of branches and some entire trees down). I do agree that it would be best if we weren’t getting almost half our rain season in less than two weeks. The wind is a huge problem too.

I-80 has a couple of flooded spots, so I hope you’re not trying to get through those areas.

Gotta do that today myself.