Some people like blondes. Some people only date redheads. Some people prefer this, some people get into that. I noticed, though, the other day as I was thumbing through an old photo album that all of my exes have always looked like someone else. My first serious girlfriend looked a great deal like a young Bernadette Peters, and I thought she was just beautiful. My next serious girlfriend was a tall redhead who had more than a passing resemblence to Kate Winslet (her of “Titanic” fame). I was engaged at one point to a girl named Shauna that was almost a spitting image of Jewel. Anyone ever noticed anything similar in people they’ve dated? Or dated someone who looks like someone else, even a little?
Well, the three guys I dated most seriously, including hubby, were similar physical types - 5’10", just a bit overweight, and bearded…
Uh, I didn’t date them simultaneously - honestly! In fact, between the 2nd one and hubby, there was a 5 year dry spell…
Don’t tell him I said so, but my hubby resembles Bun E. Carlos more everyday.
I had two serious boyfriends in high school. One resembled the blonde guy from Night Ranger. (I can’t remember his name now.) And the other one had a slight tendency to look like Tom Petty (which he hated by the way).
All of these men that I had relationships with have blue eyes. Really, really blue eyes.
I’m the same way. It’s creepy. I dated a girl who looked exactly like Kate Winslet, too; her name was Kate, thereby adding to the creepiness factor, and I dated her before I knew who Kate Winslet was. When I later saw a photo for “Jude” the similarly was so eerie I first thought “Gee, is she acting in movies undr a pseudonym and not telling anyone?” Anyway, she later went nuts and changed her name. The girl I dated, not Kate Winslet. Who I met once, and believe me, the creepy similarity is just amazing.
Later I dated Bev, who sort of looked like Pamela Anderson Lee Anderson (whatever) except Bev was prettier and didn’t have phony boobs; Angela, who looks like a slightly-less-latin Salma Hayek; Janet, who strongly resembles a young Bonnie Hunt; Chrystal, who looks like Janeane Garofalo; and finally Allie, who looks just like Mary Stuart Masterson. And then I met Mrs. RickJay, who looks like no celebrity and is the prettiest of them all. Go figure. Maybe her uniqueness was part of the appeal?
Now that you mention it, my wife looked like…uh… a young Morgan Fairchild. Yes, that’s the ticket! And, um, now she looks like the older Morgan Fairchild. Yes, I think…I mean she IS Morgan Fairchild! And I’m sleeping with her! Yes! Pretty good, huh?
All the 1 girls I’ve actually dated have been identical.
Seriously though, all the girls I’ve been involved with to any degree have been very very attractive. Out of my league attractive, I’d say.
Maybe I don’t give myself enough credit. Or maybe my standards are too high. I dunno.
Prerequisite SO/celebrity descriptions:
I went from a LOOONG relationship with Bruce Willis’ less-attractive nephew to a current relationship with Nicholas Cage’s more-attractive nephew.
That over, I have an irrational attraction to tall guys.
Jazz dancer
then Ballet Folklorico dancer
then classical ballet dancer
then Phillipine cultural dancer
(throw in two painters and two actresses as quickies)
Though she has no formal training, my wife is a fantastic go-go dancer (though she does private performances for me only)
They’ve all been either full-time or part-time glasses wearers.
Which suits me just fine.
I’ve only dated lefties.
I seem to attract Jennifers. racinchikki and my ex-gf are both Jennifers. The Very Vaguely Creepy thing about it is that I didn’t find out either of their names until after we got to know each other (the ex started out as a secret admirer; I met racinchikki here). Both of them came on to me first (racinchikki mentioned me in the “Warm Fuzzy Game” thread).
My boss is also named Jennifer, FWIW. And I didn’t know that until after I’d started working there.
Most of the guys I’ve dated haven’t been much taller than me.
However, most of the guys I’ve crushed on and not dated have been way taller than me.
All of them have been musicians/music lovers, and most were actors/writers/artists.
Skinny, tan guys named Rob, just short of 6’. They even weigh 5 pounds within each other. All the guys I’ve been attracted to in the past 3 years have been named Rob. There are something like four of them. I’ve dated two. I’m quite happy with the current one, though.
god damn you half japanese girls…
I only ever dated brunet techies. I married a brunet techie. Other than that they were a wide variety of body types and personalities.
I always tried to avoid blue eyes, as well. They creep me out (which is odd, because my mother and brother have blue eyes).
With the exception of my first boyfriend when I was 15, every guy I’ve ever gone out with more than twice has been named “John” or some variant, and like Gunslinger, I didn’t know that in several of the cases until after we’d been out a few times, thanks to nicknames and such. Of course I am well aware that this is the most common name in the English language, but this is ridiculous. (Identifiable names have been shortened to protect the guilty, although I’m not sure why.)
John S.
C. John Roberts
Jonathon H.
E. John Johnson
Jon A.
John W.
3 or 4 more that were variations of the above.
Can you guess what Snooooopy’s name is?
My best friend, from junior high school until she married at 24, only dated guys who (eventually) were tall and skinny and majored in engineering in college, then decided they hated it and did something completely different career wise.
Last two girlfriends were Jeremy and George. Alex was WAY out of my league.
Anyone see the connection?
I went through a First-name-starts-with-K binge during Y2k.
I started 2000 dating Kathy, then I dated Kerry, and then her friend Krista.
And I ended the year by breaking out of the slump with an A: Anniz
Well, all of my girlfriends have been brunettes who wear glasses.
My husband’s first serious girlfriend, the one he lost his virginity to, was a blonde with long, long hair. I’m blonde, and whenever I go for a haircut my husband pleads with me not to get much cut off. I harbor no illusions about what this means. LOL
As for me, I seemed to be on a presidential name kick for awhile. I’ve dated a Washington, a Kennedy, and a Carter.