A Superb Owl MMP

Morning, mumpers! It’s that time again…

I did not watch your Superb Owl, I have no interest in it although I know a few people over my side of The Pond who did watch it. On a totally unrelated note, I am very fond of owls and one of the first books I remember owning was “Plop, the Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark”.

Nothing more to say for now, so hijack away!

When the weather permits us to leave the windows open at night, I occasionally hear owls conversing, or orating, in our neighborhood. Even after 18 years, I get excited when I hear it. Guess that comes from spending much of my life in the suburbs that lacked interesting wildlife. I also still get a thrill when I see bald eagles, even tho they’re quite common around here. And there was a little woodpecker on a tree in our front yard the other day.

I didn’t watch the game either. And while I managed to sleep in till almost 5:30, I had a terrible time falling asleep. Mostly because my shins were itchy and even lotion didn’t help. I need to slather vaseline on them right after I shower - that’s today’s plan.

And thank goodness for Outlook - I’ve got a dentist appt at 9 this morning and despite several reminder phone calls and texts, I’d forgotten. But I’ve now created a reminder on Alexa that will give me time to shower and dress in case I forget in the next 2 hours. Stoopit memory!

After my toofies get cleaned, I’ll run by Food Lion for more sodas on sale. And it’s supposed to get near 60° today - I’m thinking I’ll rake up the detritus from the lumberjacking in the back yard. There are tons of little sticks and branches spread thither and you that will afford me some fresh air and exercise for a couple of hours till I get tired of playing. And with luck, FCD will be home for supper. I don’t know when they’ll leave Indy and I’m pretty sure he won’t come home by way of Pittsbuirgh… :roll_eyes:

And so it begins. Happy Moanday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and cafeinatin’. YAWN I was a slugabed until seven a.m. :sleeping_bed: 'Tis 35 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 67 and N.O.S. for the day. No big plans for the day which is fine by me. We shall sloth around da cave as is our wont. Sup shall be grilled poke chops, peas 'n carrots, wild rice, and rolls.

I did not watch the Superb Owl, but I am a fan of owls. I sometimes hear owls at night, and like MOOOOOOM I get all excitated to hear 'em. I love the sound they make.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day!

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Up and atom. Off to the shop to do some good.

Have a great week y’all!

I never hear owls because I live in suburbia. I’ve only seen an owl I real life once at a wildlife sanctuary. I wish an owl or hawk would take up residence in the barn so it would scare the pigeons away. Flying rats. I hate pigeons. Not doing much today. It is sunny and going to be in the upper 40s.

the super bowl is over and philly is still standing. an empty office today. i will be able to do a bit more of office keeping today.

I watched the superb Owl and the commercials. Go me?
Reasnable heave for a Monday, minus trying to wrestle with a 105lbs. mattress in a box.
I see real owls, crows, and the hawk on a regular basis Haven’t seen any foxes in a while.

They gonna degrease those poles, or leave 'em, in case some other tem goes on a chamionship run?

Slept 10 hours; apparently really needed it. Sun is shining, all the snow has melted and the temp is supposed to get up to 49* this afternoon.
Main activity for the day is packing to leave for Chicago tomorrow. Also need to find a sub to fill in as lector for me on Sunday.

Have a sunny day! :sun_with_face:

Well sure, imagine if they’d won.

Bright and sunny after a wet and gloomy prior day. Very light traffic (oh right, a little way back I moved out of convenient transit reach) but I let myself arrive late anyway. No serious meetings scheduled ( so I went for the more cas side of biz cas in the outfit) and the office coffee supplier has been doing the supply chain shuffle so I stepped in to help replenish the reserves while on the way.

As I understand it, there was some sort of popular sporting event wherein large, grunting men attempt to maim other large grunting men while tossing a ball about. Hard pass for me.

Breakfast of eggs and croissant, and now off to exercise class. Have a good one, all.

Back with clean teeth and an appointment to do it again in August. Yay!

FCD got on the road by 8. I’m sure that made him crazy, as he prefers to start in the dark of the morning. I fear he’s going to get caught in DC rush hour - at least the end of it. And he definitely won’t be home for supper. But he’s on his way.

I think I’ll play with our taxes. Maybe by some miracle, we’ll get some money back.

I made a joke - did you see that?? :rofl:

OK, into the taxing rabbit hole…

i’m still recovering from the last time they won. getting across the parkway was very difficult. luckily i was able to walk behind a newfy. that pupper cleared a path better than any offencive line! i followed him for 4 blocks and got to the office. what a good dog.

philly has had quite the sport team run lately.

And the “ball” isn’t even a proper spherical ball.

I am fanatically indifferent to sports. Only way I even knew some big event was going on was social media, and the only effect it had on my life was “OK, better not try to get Instacart or DoorDash today, they’re going to be crazy busy”.

Phone visit with my doctor today, rest of the day TBD.

I have never been interested in sports either. Over the last five years though I have been following the slow motion train wreck of Scott Frost and his destruction of the Nebraska football team

I live in Pittsburgh. I’m not into sports but, from what I’ve heard, it appears that we now have 3 amateur teams with very expensive playgrounds.

Got my filling fixed and my tongue is half numb. The dentist warned me about eating - maybe I’ll stick to a liquid diet tonight- there’s an unopened bottle of Ref Velvet Bailey’s waiting for me at home.

I do plan to go the gym - I’m not drooling too much. Just have to be careful drinking water.

This week is the beginning of Fastnacht, so everyone is gearing up for that. Lots of noise, confetti and alcohol, and the silliness lasts from Thursday to Tuesday.

Assuming I didn’t screw anything up, we’ll actually get a little money back from taxes. So that’s a relief, considering we had to write a check for 5 figures last year (dammit.) I’m going to wait a couple of days, then review it before I file. I haven’t done our taxes for the last 3 years but I don’t want to pay the accountant a bunch for a simple return that I did with TaxAct.

It shouldn’t be so difficult, tho. No wonder people cheat or don’t pay at all - it’s ridiculously complex!

Our little dog is just at the big end of owl prey so we get nervous when we hear the “hoot hoot” and she goes out back to pee at night. Or other dog “guards” her by standing on the bed and staring intently out the window but the thing is, the little dog is such a killer that if she is attacked, it might end up with a half-eaten owl in the living room the next morning.

I barely got to watch the game. SWMBO wanted to watch Poker Face on Peacock… which I also wanted to watch (though not during the game). So I divided my attention between the game that was streaming on my computer, and theTV. I missed all of the commercials.

The irony is that I’m a late-comer to football, and SWMBO has watched it all her life. She just didn’t care about the teams that were playing. ‘They’re not the Seahawks or the Saints, so…’