Judging by the numerous itchy spots, I am particularly nummy to skeeters and/or other blood-sucking insects. I’ve been told some people aren’t gnawed on by flying critters of any description. So it’s time to divide the MMP into bug lunch/non-bug lunch, because there’s not enough divisiveness in the world.
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 72 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 93 for the day with maybe rain this afternoon. We shall see.
I don’t get many skeeter bites. Then again I use the go away bugs stuff before I get goin’ doin’ yahd stuff. One of the banes of livin’ in south Jawja is gnats which will swarm all over ya when one is outside. I hate those things!
Ok, that’s all I got. I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy is hongry. Then alas and alack, irk purtification must commence. Actually that won’t be so bad. I need to go up to the north forty for a while this mornin’ and then back to da cave to spend the rest of the day “on-line learnin’”. Joy.
Had the 4AM blurf this morning. Caffeinated and at work, but still a bit toasted from refereeing three youth soccer games this weekend in 90F heat.
As for those tiny bloodsuckers (unlike their larger cousins in State and National government), I don’t seem to get much attention from them, even in the South, but I did come within one step of hitting a red ant nest this weekend, which would have been…unpleasant.
Mow the lawn today, should have done so on Sunday, but took a nap instead (seemed the reasonalble thing to do at the time).
I am major bug lunch, I should buy shares in the company that makes anti-bug spray because I get through so much of it. I’m not sure whether it’s a compliment or not to be considered so tasty by the bloodsucking flying things.
It’s nice and warm over here, bit of sun to start the week and hopefully it will continue to the weekend. I’m stupidly busy at work, exams have finished and we have two days to enter all the marks before we have to start running off paperwork for the exam board meetings next week. I am the luckiest person in the office 'cos I get to do the Hispanic Studies meeting…most people dread doing that one but it’s my favourite department and they are really nice people. Plus they like me so I am quite sure they will behave themselves.
I went to see my doting parent yesterday, she’s finished her anti-biotics for pneumonia and was looking much more like herself. And when I took her for lunch, she was able to use both knife and fork together which she’s not been able to do since her accident, so she is very happy to have made that bit of progress.
Damn it, I just found out one of my high school friends just died. She was only my age. Too young to die.
People are just… here one day and gone the next. How can life be so fucking unfair.
**{{{Midget}}} **- one of my high school classmates died in junior year, one got drunk and climbed a power pole shortly after graduation and was electrocuted, another succumbed to a disease before our 10 reunion. It sucks, but stuff happens.
Spousal unit and I were commenting the other day that we’re the generation pretty much at the top of the list now. Grandparents’ generation is gone, parental generation is almost gone. Our contemporaries are starting to drop . I’m not so sure I like the whole mortality thing…
Taz and Higgs are close to experiencing the end to their mortality. Silly me - I tried to lie down for a snooze - short night, you know - and they insisted on climbing over me, rasslin’, and generally being pests. So much for a snooze.
Why is it, in this day and age, that it’s so hard to find an appropriate Far Side comic online? Gary Larson, step it up and upload your works onto an official site! It’ll be the most popular site on the whole interwebs, I promise!
I’m so sorry about your friend EmilyG. You’re right, life is not fair.
A couple of years ago I attended the funeral of a young friend of mine. He just dropped dead at his desk. I will never get the picture out of my head of his 2 little boys (3 and 6) walking with their mom, behind his coffin, at it was carried out of the church.
Dead is hard enough, but when someone goes way too young, it’s horrible.
FairyChatMom, I know exactly what you mean. It’s a feeling of it being our turn next. And that sucks.
Mosquito bites go away in 10-15 minutes. What little data I have found from others indicates that being bitten regularly over a period of years yields this virtual immunity.
I’m 61, and I’ve been bitten by mosquitos et al for all of those years in a variety of states and countries. I’ve still got itchy bumps all over me, including on one ear! So much for your theory!
you made that up!
I spent two full summers at a camp in the Berkshire Mountains as a kid, we all were a virtual 'skeeter buffet. But I never gained this immunity thing of which you speak.
This coming from the user who bites mosquitos & flys & such. :rolleyes:
There is an appropriate John Valby song for this topic, but I’m not pulling it up from irk.