Eutychus… the Capital I song was never released on tape, cd, vhs or any other form. The mp3 is just someone with a tape player next to their tv. I really don’t think that violates any laws. :rolleyes:
Disagreements / complaints about the administration belong in The BBQ Pit.
As a matter of fact, Opal, what you describe in the OP does probably violate the copyright of the broadcast, since it is being rebroadcast without their consent. One may tape a broadcast for one’s own use, but one may not tape a broadcast and replay it to the rest of the world.
Also, that eye-rolling thing just looks incredibly condescending where no condescension seems warranted. And what the heck are you complaining about, anyway?
So if someone takes a video cam in a movie and tapes it, and distributes it, it’s not a copyright violation?
Doesn’t matter. Just because something wasn’t released doesn’t give other people the right to release it for the creator. The work (assuming I understand the situation correctly) is covered by copyright from the time it was created, thus redistributing it in this fashion would be a violation.
Link for anybody else who wonders what’s going on.
Thanks, Duck Duck!
I rolled my eyes because it wasn’t really a disagreement/complaint but rather an explanation.
I think that the whole ‘questions about the way things are run belong in the Pit’ is a stupid-ass rule and encourages people to be overly negative [“hey, it’s the pit! Let’s pile on!”] when all the person was doing was asking an innocent question, or whatever.
it’s hardly being broadcast to lots of people, it was a couple of people sharing a song from eons ago that isn’t really available to be heard anywhere else.
If you just wanted to explain your actions, you could have just e-mailed him. His address is in his profile, accessible on the top of the Cafe Society forum.
“Stupid-ass” or not, it’s still a rule. However, there was also the possibility of posting a thread in ATMB requesting a clarification of what copyright infringement really is. Although with our given attitude towards file sharing software, I find it hard to believe that anyone could not know that using the SDMB to exchange files obtained by KaZAa is a bad thing.
But by posting your thread in CS, you left Arnold no choice. Had it been a friendly enquiry, surely it would have been in ATMB to begin with.
There’s tons of CD’s that aren’t available in retail stores anymore. If I download them using KaZAa, it’s still a copyright infringement even if I’m the only one listening to the song. Should you chose to do so, it’s your personal call. If you use the SDMB for the same purpose, it becomes ours.
I might have believed that if you hadn’t used the :rolleyes: in your first post (the one addressed to Eutychus). In my judgment that modified your post from a simple observation to a disgreement with/complaint about the moderator’s decision.
Thank God the penalty isn’t “Capital” punishment!
Audience: Grooooooooooooooan
I don’t want this thread to become a moderator pile-on, so I’ll jusr briefly explain why I closed the thread.
The thread as I saw it developed thusly :
“I’m looking for a song.”
“It’s on KaZaA if you want to download it.”
“I can’t find it there.”
“That’s okay. I’ll download it and send it to you.”
Now, even though the exchange was handled via e-mail, the transaction originated on our board, giving the impression that we give tacit approval to the trade of copyrighted items, depsite our policy which has been stated time and time again. I think it’s pretty much a given that anything you see or any song you hear on Sesame Street is going to be copyrighted, regardless of whether it was ever released on CD, VHS, or whatever.
The way the thread was developing also gave me the impression that this was going to open the door for others to post songs (or whatever) that they were looking for in the hopes that someone else could download them and sent them along. Opal, you yourself asked for another song further on down the thread, and I could easily see this mushrooming if we had not closed the thread and restated our policy that we did not condone this sort of trading on our board.
No shit, really??
Since it had already been moved to the pit I figured that it was ok to express my disagreement with it – as it’s been said that THIS IS THE PLACE FOR DISAGREEMENTS.
Are you now saying that while it is your rule, we aren’t actually allowed to do it? Make up your fucking mind.
Coincidence? You be the judge!
I have to give the boy credit, though, that’s some advance planning!
I’m afraid I don’t follow you here. All I was saying -which seemed pretty clear to me- is that the Pit is indeed the place for complaints comments about the administration, so Arnold was right in moving it here, whether you agree with the Pit’s forum description or not.
Once here, you are indeed free to call any of our rules ‘stupid-ass’ or even worse. And if you had wanted to avoid a trip to the Pit, you should have posted a thread in ATMB, instead of in the forum in which the transgression occured.
So in short, my ‘fucking mind’ was made up all along.
I mean, this is a complete and utter d’uh to me.
No offense, Opal, but I think it’s pretty obvious that song trading stuff wouldn’t be allowed.
Am I too late for the spankings?
Uh, so it would have been ok in ATMB? So what is the rule then? Pit or ATMB?
It seems I have to spell it out. Well, OK then.
It would have been OK to post a question in ATMB - actually, SPOOFE did just that. Your clarification -the OP of this thread- would have been a perfect e-mail to Eutychus, but it didn’t belong in ATMB, and it certainly didn’t belong in Cafe Society.
Hence it was moved to the Pit.