About users who sign their posts "peace."

I have been seeing more of this. Is it a modern replacement for “shalom,” which a jewish friend of mine uses, or just the whim of these users, or both?


A personal statement, perhaps; I’ve seen IMs where people sign “Peace out” as well.

We used to say “Peace” like that a lot in the late 60s/early 70s. Those were the days, my friend.

your humble TubaDiva

I thought they’d never end.

Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai,
Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai,
Lai Lai Lai Lai
Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai,

Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai
Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai Lai
Lai Li Lai Lai
Lai Lia Lia Lai Lai Lai.

:: tiptoes barefeet off stage and lights a joint ::

Nothing wrong with Peace.

I would say peace is a good thing.

But that’s just me.

Saying “peace, peace” when there is no peace…

Dave Garroway.


Thank god somebody else remembered him. I was afraid nobody else would see the reference.
He, of course, always said this with his hand facing you.
This was the traditional greeting of some east coast indian tribes, said to be a way to show that no weapons were around, their version of shaking hands.

Visualize whirled peas.



Of course, the effect is somewhat diminished if “peace” is used as the final word in a post heavy with insults, profanity, bigotry and hatred, as has often been the case.

What, you don’t want to give peace a chance?

I thought twice about saying something very sarcastic and a touch morbid, but then I deleted the reply box. . . twice.

But, in the interest of edification, we pass around a joke in the office that goes something like this [sub]imagine Major Kong/Slim Pickens saying it[/sub]:

[morbid humor]

Dude, don’t say “Peace!” That’ll put us all out of a job! And unemployment ain’t funny!!

[/morbid humor]

We’re sick, sick people we are. Imagine if world peace broke out. All of us combat engineers wouldn’t have anyone to work for! :smiley:

Okay, I ain’t no Slim Pickens, but hey, I found it funny. . .

;j ;j ;j ;j ;j

Despite all of the hilarity, I was being quite serious. Is “peace” used as a non-hebrew and more modern signature meant to convey the same message as “shalom” on the board?

Well, just don’t look at me for an answer… I use good old Shalom in everyday life, so I certainly wouldn’t know! :slight_smile: But hey, if it was good enough for Jesus Christ it should be good enough for you :stuck_out_tongue: [Yes, I know he spoke Aramaic. There you go ruining a good joke with facts :mad: Yes, you, the one reading this post right now and who was about to nitpick!]


(Hmm… maybe I should start using it on the boards too. Nah, I never really liked the “Peace” bit at the ends of posts)

It’s a shortened version of the phrase, “Peace and ______ Grease”, where the blank can be any word or phrase relative to the conversation.

Peace and Dope Grease!

Peace on you!
Peace on all of you!! :mad:
:wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

In my view it is the same as shalom or salaam.

Looking at a whole set of Happy Jew Emoticons once again, I think it is time to make a first claim that a Happy Muslim be installed as counterweight.
However, it needs to be said that being a member of the Towel Addicts I could not use a Turban Addict Emoticon even if it was available. Note: I know I’m difficult to please.

Salaam. A

And coming in on 3 DEC the winner of the SDMB Understatement of the Year Award.

I kid, I kid. :smiley:

It’s only slightly morbid. You’ll occasionally hear somewhat similar serious statements IRL complaining about the hit to the local economy when a base closes. But they become really hilarious when they come from anti-war people like Democratic Congressman Ron Dellums of Oakland or the Germans who’ve been saying for years they want the bases gone.

Every family has its difficult child… Since I’m used to that status at home, how could I prevent my destiny to fill this void on this International Cyberspace Family of SDMB addicts.
Note: My experience at home is that difficult children are the most loved… :)… .

Salaam. A