Abrahan Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

I happened to see a special commentary/preview on this yesterday.

At first I LOL’d and thought WTF? But I must admit, by the end of the preview they had me sold on the idea.

What confusded me though is at the end the of the preview, it just said “Part 2 in june”

From they way they were going on about this show it sounded like a new venture. What gives? Also, am I going to need to see Part 1 to follow whats going on?

This is the first I’m hearing about this movie.

Have you heard about the book? It’s a fun read.

I have no idea what the “part 2” stuff’s about- the book wasn’t that long that it needed to be divided up. I hope the movie is good. I imagine it could be a lot of fun.

The title alone probably makes it worth seeing. But I heard the play was better.

Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how’d you like the play?
I picked this book up a year or so ago during a business trip. Fun read, but I too can’t imagine how there could be a part 2 unless it continues the story past where the book ended.

I saw the trailer for the movie and laughed my ass off. I’m definitely going to catch it

I wonder if the “part 2” referred to a different “making of” special due to come out at the same time as film?

Maybe Part 2 of the trailer comes out in June?

I liked the book until the rather stupid ending.

Trailer was awful. Groan-inducing in fact. Does anyone really think the slo-mo gymnastics style of action still looks cool? (The director also helmed the godawful Nightwatch which doesn’t bode well.) The use of the Johnny Cash song “The Man Comes Around” was a pathetic attempt to carry over some creepy goodwill from the Dawn of the Dead remake. I know, trailers do this all the time but this one was especially blatant. Yuck.

That’s the kicker, you’re not supposed to think it looks cool, its supposed to be silly. I laughed so hard at the end where Abe practically explodes a tree with an axe. Its too stupid to be cool, thus its cool. I hope that the whole movie is filled with such insane imagery that we cannot help but enjoy it, like maybe Abe does a front flip while being chased by vampires, throws 2 wooden stakes into their hearts, then throws hammers against them and they fall backwards, impaled on a tree! :cool:

At least one CSA vampire should be killed by Abe impaling him with the only weapon at his disposal at that moment, a Union flag.

And his SToveTop hat should be a container for stakes.