Having this debate with a lady friend of mine today.
Sometime ago, I was up at the bar with some friends of mine. While at the bar a friend of mine introduces me to a friend of his.
Me and this lady got to talking through out the night. We both got a little tipsy; we never made out or anything but there was some flirtation going on.
By the end of the night we exchanged phone numbers with the intent of going out on a “formal” date. At the time I’ll admit that I knew I had no intention of wanting to be with this woman in a serious way. To be honest; I just wanted to have my dirty little way with her and be done with it.
The next morning I woke up feeling as little guilty so i decided I wasn’t going to pursue that any further because she was such a nice lady; I felt like she deserved better respect.
I never called her (like I said I would) but she called me and left a message. She sounded excited and REALLY wanted me to call her.
So now feeling even MORE guilty felt like I needed to call her back. Not wanting to hurt this girl’s feelings; I told her a BS lie. I told her that I’m just coming out of a bad relationship and I’m still f’d up over it. And I didn’t feel like I should be dating just yet.
She graciously said she understood and we said our good byes.
My Lady friend seems to think I shouldn’t have lied to the lady. She felt she was “owed” the truth. She thinks I should have owned up to my bad judgements the previous night.
My contingency is that this Lady shouldn’t have to get her feelings hurt just because I was acting like an ass the previous night.
So cowardice? or white lie?
It should be note that I fully admit to acting like an ass that night at the bar. I shouldn’t have done that.