eensy bit before his time?
Probably a bit before his time, though the voice sounds a bit like his. According to Wikipedia, in the '70s, he was primarily a playwright, but was also doing some stand-up comedy on the side.
Though the voice in the ad has that gravelly aspect that Black’s does, I suspect that most men with similar voices are middle-aged or older, and they wind up with that sort of voice through years of use (as well as smoking and drinking). Black was born in 1948, so he would have only been in his late 20s or very early 30s at the time of that ad (assuming it’s from the '70s, as labeled). Here’s a clip from the 1986 film “Hannah and Her Sisters,” which features Black (he’s in the Hawaiian shirt and suspenders) – his voice back then wasn’t nearly as rough as it is now, IMO.
The voice sounds like his does now, or at least how it did 10 or 15 years ago. I have no idea if he used that voice before he got wildly popular. In any case, I doubt he’d have sounded like that 50 + years ago. Even if he was doing the same shtick back then. The person in the ad doesn’t sound like a 25 year old.
The comments section on YouTube says the announcer is Mort Marshall. I do not know that name; please don’t banish me!
He looks oddly like Lewis Black.