So I’m modern and healthy. I keep up with the health food jive. I shop at a co-op/health food store and I like to buy organic veggies when I can. But this is all relatively new for me. I’ve been shoping there for about 6 months. And lately I’ve been having some bad experiences with this organic crap.
I bought a broccoli bunch about a month ago and one of the stocks had a bunch of little purple things all over the underside of its flower part. They didn’t wash off easily and I’m a bit queasy so I tossed this part.
Then I bought some lettuce last week and when I was tearing up one of the heads, tons (well more like 30 or so) of little bugs were suddenly everywhere. Eeeeewe. There goes my salad.
I haven’t talked to the store yet about these experiences, but I prolly will when I’m in there next. But I thought I was buying good stuff and none of the blemishes were visible when I bought the veggies.
Wondering if anyone else out there regularly eats organically grown veggies. Is this normal or have I just been having some bad luck? Anything I can do to make sure I don’t purchase “bad” stuff in the future? Anyone? I’d appreciate any advice. Thanks.