Ahhh! What's up with my organic veggies?

So I’m modern and healthy. I keep up with the health food jive. I shop at a co-op/health food store and I like to buy organic veggies when I can. But this is all relatively new for me. I’ve been shoping there for about 6 months. And lately I’ve been having some bad experiences with this organic crap.

I bought a broccoli bunch about a month ago and one of the stocks had a bunch of little purple things all over the underside of its flower part. They didn’t wash off easily and I’m a bit queasy so I tossed this part.

Then I bought some lettuce last week and when I was tearing up one of the heads, tons (well more like 30 or so) of little bugs were suddenly everywhere. Eeeeewe. There goes my salad.

I haven’t talked to the store yet about these experiences, but I prolly will when I’m in there next. But I thought I was buying good stuff and none of the blemishes were visible when I bought the veggies.

Wondering if anyone else out there regularly eats organically grown veggies. Is this normal or have I just been having some bad luck? Anything I can do to make sure I don’t purchase “bad” stuff in the future? Anyone? I’d appreciate any advice. Thanks.

Welcome to nature.

Organic, as you know, means no pesticides, preservatives, etc so the potential for bugs or growths of “things” is more likely. But, then again, you’re also not eating residues of pesticides and the like.

Just check the stuff over more carefully when you buy it, wash everything well, and use it as soon as possible.

However, I would mention it to the store because they may be able to speak with their supplier. Not everything that may be on the vegetables gets there in the field - the supplier may not be handling them correctly.

Don’t get carried away with the ‘organic = healthy’ hype. Have a look here: http://www.newscientist.com/dailynews/news.jsp?id=ns9999356

Basically, it says existing studies don’t show that organic foods are healthier or tastier than non-organic foods.

Say isn’t “organic veggies” one of them oxy-morons?

:: checking … ::

:eek: SORRY! It was “processed foods” that’s the oxy!