Air Force/Army Carrier Integration

I’m outta here for the weekend!

I’ve got a seven and a half hour drive ahead of me today so I can see my son make his acting debut tonight at his school at 1900. In an adaptation of Beatrix Potters’ Peter Rabbit, he will stun the theater world with his definitive portrayal of Peter’s erstwhile brother Flopsy!

I don’t want to think what it says about a man who’s willing to spend nearly $350 dollars on gas, tolls, food, lodging and incidentals so I can see Skirmie forget his lines with 14 other like-minded second graders, sit next to his ex-wife (Grrrr.) through the performance, burn four days of valuable vacation time and, in general, fawn over a kid attempting to make up for my recent foray into the Gulf Stream.

God help me, I’m so looking forward to it though!

Sorry. That was supposed to be its thread.

Lemme try again.

Chief, it says you’re a good man, trying to be the best father you can be to a precious little boy. We could wish more fathers were like you.

Indeed it does say that ChiefScott is wonderful father.

HM3 Clark checking in, Chief. TDY’ed with the Marines (OOOO RAH).
Did you know why the Coast Guard has a minimum height restriction of 5’7"?

In case their ship sinks, they can walk home!


vidi vici veni!

Yep! That it does indeed. And a fine example of the Dads I have ‘met’ on this board. Have a great time, Chief.
