Airline passenger arrested for Masturbating 4 times during flight

You think he’ll get off that easy?

He has so far.

I’m a night auditor. How about not perpetuating the “hotel front desk agent = porn movie” idea.

Well, if you read the OP’s link, it says that the passenger next to him waited till he fell asleep before notifying the flight attendant.

I have no idea why she did that, but maybe she was nervous about embarrassing and angering him while she was sitting right next to him?

Guys deliberately doing sexual stuff in public in the presence of strange women often seem aggressive and scary. If she’d made him angry by publicly telling him to stop and he’d retaliated, maybe by assaulting her in the destination airport or something, I bet posters here would be saying “Why did she directly confront a guy who was obviously acting crazy?”

Dang. Where’s the duct tape?
They duct taped a guy to a stewardess’ jump seat for saying rude things to the lady in the center seat.

I think diddling with yourself in public is at least as bad as rude comments.

And they divert planes all the time for drunk and rowdy travellers

Yeah, they could’ve used the duct tape to secure the offending member in an upright, locked position…

Yeah, going to say something similar. Crammed in a small, enclosed space with no exit strategy if the chronic masturbator is also violent is not the best situation for a direct confrontation.

That may well be the case and as a guy I cannot claim to understand it.

Me? I’d be out of my seat exclaiming “WTF!” on the spot the first time. I am not worried about “embarrassing” him (he isn’t, why should I?) and/or angering him. I’m on a plane with hundreds of people nearby and plane staff (and maybe a flight marshal).

Is there a more safe space to be in? Why wait unless she wanted the video for Instagram?

GTFO on the spot. Don’t wait. Dude is a super creep.

To be clear: I am in NO WAY defending the dude masturbating. He has some problems and is scary. I hope he ends up in jail.


I guess Louis C.K. was in a celebrating mood on the way back from his Grammy win.

That would be an exhibition game.

According to the NY Post article, he stated he asked permission first -

"“McGarity advised he asked the female witness if she minded if he masturbates,” according to the complaint cited by the outlet. “According to McGarity, the female witness put her hands in the air and said, ‘It really doesn’t matter.’”

The man thought her response was “kind of kinky” and believed she was comfortable with him masturbating, the complaint adds."

There are documentaries covering these situations. “The number of the counting shall be three.”

Reminds me of the incident in Wambaugh’s “The Blooding”, where one of the men called in as part of authorities’ DNA dragnet to find a serial killer, objected to giving a blood sample and offered to generate a semen sample instead. They obligingly gave him a private room, but he was unable to produce. They offered to find him a magazine for inspiration, but could only come up with a railway timetable. “And it wasn’t even a current edition.”

The guy already doesn’t have a fly.


Not certain the guy is a reliable reporter about their conversation.

Anyway, she can’t consent for the whole plane/airline/field of aviation.

She may have wanted the video for legal purposes.

Don’t underestimate how thoroughly women are inculcated not to make a fuss. It’s why date rape works so well.

Don’t underestimate the possible effects of possible previous trauma on the victim.

I second the hot coffee intervention, at least in fantasy.

Maybe she thought he meant “do you mind if I masturbate habitually?”, not “do you might if I masturbate right this second?” Sort of the inverse of the old joke:

DOCTOR: You’re going to have to stop masturbating.
DOCTOR: Because I’m trying to examine you!

When asked if he planned to curtail his future travel plans, he relied that he thought he would stick it out a little longer…

The NY Post article - if true - portrays a pretty unbelievable situation, w/ the guy pulling down trot and licking cum off his fingers. Prior to that, I had assumed he was just stroking himself or something.

I hope this isn’t construed as victims blaming, but I’m trying to figure out HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS HAPPEN ONCE - LET ALONE 4X! Can any woman explain how she didn’t hit the call button, jump out of her seat, and loudly exclaim something as soon as the pants were dropped? I usually try to ignore everything going on around me on a plane, but no other passenger or crew member noticed this guy whacking off?

Yup. Wouldn’t care about the seatbelt sign. Leave immediately and find a flight attendant.

There is NO reason to confront him directly without some back up. The guy has SERIOUS problems.

Wasn’t clear to me whether the female passenger was in the aisle seat or not. I assumed as much, as they said she was moved to a different seat while the guy was sleeping, and I thought it unlikely that she could climb over a sleeping passenger.

But hells yeah. I wouldn’t even be looking for any seatbelt signs before jumping up and loudly calling for a flight attendant. (Trying to figure out exactly what I would have exclaimed…)